Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kyle XY: Beginnings and Endings

"My birth was unconventional at best." Those words introduced Kyle XY to the world on this day in 2006, when a naked Matt Dallas emerged from the forest covered in pink goo. Then, 43 episodes later, it seemed like Kyle's story was all over before it had really begun... We have been delivering Matt Dallas' news and information since the untimely cancelation of Kyle XY back in early 2009, and in all that time, the questions we have been asked the most often (and are STILL being asked) revolve around the abrupt (and unfair) ending to a show that deserved proper resolution for its devoted followers.

It seems fitting that on THIS day, when it all began, that fans everywhere should know what the writers had in mind for the ENDING that never happened. In this Q&A with Julie Plec (writer/co-producer - now famous for her involvement with The Vampire Diaries TV series) speaks candidly about the directions Kyle XY would have taken had its life not been cut short through an unfortunate set of business decisions by the network that created it.

Some words of caution: you might not like what you read, but at least it will answer many of the questions left hanging after Cassidy's desperate words: "I'm your brother!"

March 19, 2009 (via My Two Pennies)

Writer/Co-Producer Julie Plec Answers Questions about the 'Kyle XY' Finale

ABC Family: In the last episode, Jessi says she's "broken." Is she really "broken" or was she designed to be a killer?

Julie: Jessi truly is 'broken'. One of the big themes we felt it was important to explore in the show was the idea of nature vs nurture. In that context, did Kyle and Jessi both have the same chance when they were 'born' and did circumstance dictate who ended up "good"? Or is there a more spiritual element attached to both characters --- in that is Kyle a truly pure soul and Jessi a dark one? That's a question that we would have continued to explore throughout the life of the series --- watching poor Jessi as she struggled to be as good as Kyle....and watching Kyle as life experience and the harsh realities of the world as we know it infiltrated his good, pure soul. But in no way was Jessi ever designed to be bad from birth. Latnok, in all their misguided efforts, genuinely believed that they wanted to make the world a better place. They just had a peculiar way of going about it. In a lot of ways, Jessi never had a chance. Her mother was psychologically troubled. Her entrance into the world was devastating. And her first couple days, before Madacorp planted her with a life of memories, were cold and stark. But deep inside lies a vulnerable girl --- like any human --- who just wanted to be loved unconditionally.

ABC Family: What was going to happen with all those clones? An army of handsome, healing, responsible, kind heroes sounds great, but we're just wondering if there was some other, darker motivation.

Julie: As we saw throughout the series with characters like Brian Taylor, Professor Kern and Ballantine, certain individuals' agendas can corrupt the common goal of an institution. While we believe that the 'old world' Latnok had benevolent intentions, the minute you put that much power (playing God) into someone's hands, things can go horribly awry. There is a faction within Latnok, led by Kyle's genetic mother, that intended to sell the Kyle clones to the highest bidder --- using the actual Kyle as an example of how magnificent their experiment could be. Though Kyle successfully destroyed the formula, it's still filed away in his head as a result of the information he uploaded from Zyzzx while he was still in the pod. As Cassidy stated, he would stop at nothing to get that information back. The next season would have involved putting Nicole and Jessi into a situation where, in order to save Kyle's life, they give Cassidy what he wants. But they could never tell Kyle what they did, so they would be bonded together by the secret they have to keep from him.

ABC Family: In the end of the series, Kyle wasn't with either Jessi or Amanda. So, would Kyle be with Jessi or would Kyle be with Amanda? Does he get to be with his soul mate? Are both his soul mates? What's the significance of the butterflies and the electricity?

Julie: The "who will Kyle end up with" question is a question we have a hard time answering, because in our opinion a true hero is often destined to end up alone. Had this show run for five more years, Kyle would have likely ended up with neither, knowing that he couldn't fulfill his true destiny as a prophet by living a normal relationship life like everyone else. But in the short-term, we absolutely believed that Kyle and Jessi's relationship would have continued to develop. It would have been complicated, passionate, volatile, and ultimately self-destructive. Once Amanda had a chance to grow up beyond her sheltered life --- probably when she entered college and embarked on that journey of self-discovery that every young adult goes through --- she and Kyle would have re-discovered each other and entered into a relationship that was more than just innocent puppy love. But when all is said and done, Kyle would have embarked on his post-series journey alone, hopefully in a beautiful poetic way.

ABC Family: Would Tom Foss always be a part of Kyle's life?

Julie: Tom Foss would have always remained a part of Kyle's life, but Tom Foss's demons are that he lost his wife and daughter. Eventually, Kyle would have paved the way to help Foss live the life that he thought he'd never have again. Kyle would have 'freed' Foss from the responsibility of protecting him in order to ensure that Foss could find happiness. We wanted to pass the torch over time from Foss to Declan. Declan, always searching for an answer to where he 'fits' in Kyle's life, would have gone to Foss to learn how to be Kyle's protector.

ABC Family: Cassidy being Kyle's brother is a HUGE revelation... Were there going to be other revelations of this kind? Is Kyle related to any of the other characters? Was Cassidy lying just to save his own life?

Julie: Cassidy and Kyle share the same genetic mother. Cassidy wasn't lying. No one else is related (as far as I know). The David and Goliath relationship between Cassidy and Kyle would have been a large part of next season. While they're connected by blood, they're in opposition to each other. That would have let us continue to explore one of our other favorite themes of this show: what defines "family"?

ABC Family: Is Adam really dead or would he have come back in a future episode like Foss?

Julie: May Adam Baylin rest in peace. But we always would have had the ability to have him appear to Kyle in Kyle's mind, much like he did in second season's "Lockdown."

ABC Family: What happens to Andy and Josh? Would they stay together, even though she moved away and is only on webcam (yay, Declan!)?

Julie: Josh and Andy would have explored the treacherous waters known as the 'long-distance relationship.' They would have broken up, gotten back together, gone to the same college, transferred to different colleges, broken up again, gotten back together again, dated other people, and finally gotten married and lived happily ever after. Josh and Andy were our favorite relationship as writers, hands down. We truly contemplated having Andy's cancer return and having Josh lose her, but we just couldn't bring ourselves to shut the door on Andy, or the actress Magda Apanowich (even though she's going off to do Caprica) because we loved those two characters way too much to ever say goodbye.

ABC Family: What about Declan and Lori? Would they continue to be friends?

Julie: Declan and Lori, believe it or not, would ultimately end up together. But before that, Lori would head off to New York to pursue a music career and Declan would have gone off on a training sojourn with Foss. After several years of difficult life experience, Lori would return to Seattle and follow in her mother's footsteps, enrolling in school to study psychology --- realizing that it's her true calling. Declan will always have two priorities --- Lori and Kyle. For Battlestar Gallactica fans, he's Colonel Tighe to Admiral Odama. Declan would assume protection of Kyle from Foss and be his best friend and fiercest protector for life. Lori would be the only woman who could understand that, because she feels just as strongly about Kyle.

ABC Family: Most importantly, how does it end?!?!?

Julie: How does it end? In the broadest terms, Kyle embarks on a quest across the world with the sole mission of helping people. Creating food where people are starving....inventing energy sources that don't destroy the environment....stabilizing areas of the world that live in conflict....being a good person --- and letting his goodness impact others. Call him Mother Teresa, call him Bill Clinton, call him Gandhi --- it was Kyle's destiny to make the world a better place. And it's because the Tragers took him in and loved him unconditionally, that he would have been able to do it. How would it have ended if we had one more episode? I wish I knew. We were only just getting started on all the stories left to tell about Kyle XY.

On behalf of myself, all the writers, producers and the cast, we're very grateful that we had the opportunity to do this show and to tell Kyle's story. The fans' loyalty and passion for the show was like nothing any of us had ever experienced. It was a true gift....so thank you.


  1. Anonymous6/26/2012

    I HATE ABC Family for cancelling this show, I can't get myself to watch their channel anymore. -_-'

    1. while l sit here having just watched the last episode of kyle xy l can't help but feel sad considering the way the show ended. l began a search for answers as to how the show would have went had it not been canceled and then l found this article by the writer/producer and at least l had some insight on how the show would have proceeded and it's intended direction. When l got to the last paragraph and Julie, (writer/producer) remarked about Kyle XY traveling the world and doing things to end world hunger, produce alternate clean energy, end conflict in troubled areas of the world, ect. couldn't help but think that the corporate overlords of our REAL WORLD just wouldn't allow those kind of messages to be put into the minds of the public because, god forbid we have any positive thoughts that might mold the public view point away from the path we are currently on. R. Snyder

    2. Ryan Flare4/04/2018

      Same here just finished watching it likec10mins ago I mean talk about leaving u wanting more, honestly the fact that they cancelled it cannot be just based on ratings it definitely wasn't something the higher up wanted us to see as it would have made us critically think and change our perceptions and biases but year I'm sad and frustrated right now but thankful I got to watch it in the first place but it really was a great well rounded, beautiful and awesome show that would have been a huge success if allowed to flourish FOREVER: KYLE XY;)

  2. Anonymous7/01/2012

    I hate Abc family,for cancelling such a billrant show,its just show that they didn't care about our feeling.i hate you people for doing this.we need kyle xy back.so swallow ur pride and make it happen.

  3. Anonymous7/26/2012

    ABC family always cancel the good shows such us Kyle XY and MIOBI >:[ people should stop watching shows on that channel, then wait 'til they bring Kyle XY back! :o ABC family, why would you trade a good show, that teaches people to be nice and kind to others and stopping the bad things that will happen in the world, to some stupid , bad show that teaches people to get pregnant and be whores? Why?! Why?!

    1. Anonymous9/16/2013


    2. Well as I read earlier..a tv network is basically a business corporation..they lost money in a show..bad biz..say bye bye...so my theory is to everyone start up the "bring kyle xy back" rant and somehow inspire or enrich enough people to not watch abc network for one consecutive month and continue rants I bet the show would get back to being cut filed printed and filmed ;-)

    3. Unseen Aura7/01/2014

      because unfortunately, this world care for nothing except money, and most people who watch tv want stuff like true blood or pretty little liars, if you get my drift. i love this show to death, and hate the crap out of abc family for heartlessly cancelling this (in contrast to the show, which was so full of emotion).

    4. Anonymous7/25/2014

      true man i love this show and at the end of season 3 it was really awesome he got his brother and other things like that he just heard about his mom no a fence but WTF was these idiots thinking damn people just get really fucking stupid

    5. Anonymous11/26/2014

      I agree!

    6. Well they should have shows that encourage women to get pregnant and have families....that is get married to a loyal husband who is a good husband father and family leader,then get pregnant and have many children,because that is objectively good and fulfilling for men and most of all actual women,not shows about being whores getting abortions/being more whores, always coming from broken families with single mothers, or cheating parents, or the business focused-not family focused-mother with the cucked cowardly shit father- or any number of bs propaganda tropes they use these days....yes including on the so called"family channel" which is Abd/Disney a company literally run by how do I put this......Globalists/Neo marxists/Satanic/Pedos....Anyhow Kyle Xy was a great show, season 3 went off the rails a bit by far the worst of the 3 seasons, but 1 was perfect,2 close to perfect til the end, and overall one of the better shows of the last 15 years and light years the b3est show to ever premiere on the so called"Family channel" or whatever's left of it.And like pretty much 99 percent of the best shows of the past 20 years, gone way before its time.And no its not just about maximizing profits and simply money anymore,propaganda always comes first even at the potential loss of maximizing profits,

  4. Anonymous7/26/2012

    Dear ABC Family,
    Ever had that feeling that feels like Euphoria? Yup, us Kyle XY fans were feeling that much of happiness whenever we watch Kyle XY. So please learn how to finish a super duper awesome show (KXY). That's all :)

    1. Anonymous7/25/2014

      i wish they ould but the supid some times mant

  5. Anonymous8/20/2012

    we need the inspirational character back the influence he has on the outside world is undiscribable.please do us a favor and bring kyle xy back.we miss it

  6. Anonymous9/01/2012

    Wow, Kyle xy fans keep protesting year after year to bring this show back. It's amazing how many people protest ABC family everyday, including me, Bring KYLE XY BACK!!, or at least make an episode to conclude everything!

  7. Dear ABC Family,

    I love some of your TV series you produce, and this is one of my most favorite KYLE XY, they should advance Kyle's age to like age 23 and pick up the story there. They can flash back to his confrontation with Cassidy.

    By the way ABC Family have you ever read GOOD MYSTERY and get to the end of the book and someone has removed the last two chapters. You have a hint as to what happened, but it is gone and you really, really want to know how it turned out. This is what ABC Family DOES to its audience each year when they remove a TV series from the line up that is continued every week. This is what has happened with KYLE XY.

    ABC Family NEEDS A RULE written in the TV series contracts where a story is linked to the next episode. A rule that says that they must produce a 4 hour mini series to wrap up the loose ends of their TV series.

    You failed to Give KYLE XY this and as a result many of us feel robbed of our story ending. Oh you can talk about it, but does not do justice to the cast and crew of KYLE XY series.

    Grant it you were in the middle of a major ECONOMIC NOSE DIVE, and sales of products were down. However, at that point in time people needed to hold on to their money. ABC FAMILY needed to recognize this and like many other major conglomerates like WALMART realize that their company is GLOBALIZED enough to fair the US ECONOMIC depression well.

    We are now in RECESSION and well we THE AUDIENCE of ABC FAMILY and KYLE XY who includes 75 year old elderly people not just your teens up to age 40 something, would could use a MAJOR pick up in our spirits with the return of a series such as KYLE XY in his twenties. Perhaps he is stronger than Baylin was because of how he was gestated outside the uterus for so many years. So physically he can survive considerably longer than Baylin thought.

    Well we hope you will see fit to revive the series SOON.

    LOVE to the KYLE XY series and its cast and crew.

    Warm regards,

    Jolynn Yates
    Southern Utah

  8. Anonymous10/19/2012

    amazing. Three years, and people are still hoping to see continued. Matt you simply must affect the situation) The whole world at your feet!

  9. It is unrealistic to hope that Kyle XY will return with it's original cast. For one thing, the "teenage" cast members are too old to pull it off. Matt Dallas is 30 years old! However, I do agree with one poster who suggested a "made for TV" movie in which the characters are depicted, say 10 years later. Kyle can narrate a summary of events that occurred over the last 10 years to bring us up to the present. We can then see how the rest of the story unfolds. This will at least bring us some closure. I'll bet the viewing audience would be off the charts! There are so many people who want to revisit these characters again and see how their lives turned out. Make it happen ABC!

  10. Karen Payne12/18/2012

    Kyle Xy was an excellent series, had alot of information through the story lines, to keep me interested, and wondering what was going to be happening next, through the seasons. I know alot of people/fans are disappointed that the show cancelled abruptly, but we need to appreciate the seasons we were able to see, not what we missed. We all need to learn to be happy with what we have, not what is missing. At least, that's my opinion. Happy Day!!

  11. i just miss kyle xy so bad :(

    from the philippines

  12. Anonymous1/10/2013

    GOD..i want kyle xy back..i miss it so much.

  13. I hate the ending i want kyle xy back or make a movie! please give a better ending. I want kyle and amanda be together. and kyle desrve an normal life with the tragers.

  14. Anonymous2/21/2013

    I just watched this series on Netflix with my daughter. We both screamed when the show ended with the final episode. This was a wonderful show! My daughter and I would definitely watch if it ever came back!

    1. Anonymous5/20/2013

      I barely started the series little more that half a month ago. In that time I came to love Kyle XY. It was what I did when I came home. When I came to this last episode, I nearly tore my hair out when I found out there weren't any more episodes, especially with that cliff hanger only a stupid person wouldn't continue on with. Please do the thing where Kyle is like ten years older and he narrates the past ten years then continues on with the story from there. At least do some sort of mini season. Seriously, even after four years people are begging for Kyle to be brought back. Come on people! Please!

    2. Bit late but I definitely know what everyone's going through.....was on Netflix with my sister, found this amazing show and then after spending a long time watching it find out it got cancelled-not fair.I CRIED FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!!! :'(

    3. Anonymous10/12/2015

      i started the series 3 weeks ago and i didnt know that it was cancelled. I don't understand why this had to be done... My Heart is broken

  15. Anonymous2/28/2013

    THANK YOU for answering these questions! I just finished watching the series on Netflix for the first time, and was left feeling suspended in mid-air with the ending. As a 60 year old woman I really enjoyed watching it, and was so engaged with the themes of family, nature vs. nurture, and self-discovery. Thank you!

  16. Anonymous4/11/2013

    It would be nice if they could do a kickstarter and have a movie to tie it all up.

  17. Anonymous5/19/2013

    I feel like they should bring back Kyle XY and keep it going exactly how they planned it. Many people thin that the cast wouldn't be able to pull it off because they have grown and all but I think they could with all the technology and make up they use now a days. So please bring it back. It is the only way to make all the fans happy. I feel like it should be their responsibility to ring it back. Isn't that why they picked this business... To make their fans happy! So this is it... bring it back for crying out loud!

  18. Anonymous5/26/2013

    I wish Kyle XY would come back on, it is like the best show ever.I have watched the series over and over again.I just love all the action and drama it brings.I cant be leave ABC Family would cancel this show it is so great.I hope they will bring it back,but they probably wont.

  19. Anonymous6/28/2013

    whats worse is they replaced it with that show nobody remembers and was cancelled after 1 season.

  20. Anonymous6/29/2013

    I had recently stumbled upon Kyle XY a week ago on Netflix and completely devoured it, spending every day of this past week watching it and loving it. I spent about 20 minutes after the last episode staring at the Netflix home screen almost in shock of the ending. The chances of this great show coming back are very slim as its been 4 years since it was canceled, but we should not give up hope.

  21. Anonymous7/12/2013

    I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW IT ENDED. THANK GOODNESS FOR THE ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS!!!! My family screamed when the end credits came on of the last episode. We're going to miss this show. :(

  22. Remember, this isn't the last time ABC Family Will do this. All the good shows are Being Lulled such as secret life and the lying game. Soon enough, PLL is going to be gone unfortunately

  23. Anonymous7/24/2013

    What an original and brilliant concept, I don't know of another story that has captured my imagination so intensely and been so ultimately positive. In difficult situations now, I even find myself asking, " What would Kyle do" Thank you.

  24. Anonymous7/24/2013

    They cared only for money and I hate them,but despite of my hatred I can say they gave us something that will always be in our hearts.I was upset that in the end Kyle didn't end up with Amanda..but..we can't have it all.

  25. Anonymous8/02/2013

    ABC family!!
    You have FAILED this city!!!!!
    * Arrow *

    1. Anonymous2/15/2014

      I am so freaking mad, ok all who love kyle xy dont watch abc untill they return the show if they dont then they might not have enough people to keep the channel alivve we might be able to have another season.

  26. Anonymous8/03/2013

    I just had like three das of watching the show it was so interesting i would stay up late watching it. I hate ABC Family for canceling the show i was really in to the show. Now i always hope it comes back for many more seasons

  27. Anonymous8/04/2013

    With all the boring, repetitious, unitelligent, negative story plots and endless garbage that the networks are putting out. You just can't find anything of quality that's worth watching even with all the hundreds of paid cable stations. The networks keep constantly spending money on countless TV series and movies that just don't work. You would think that they could actually invest in something that's worth while and original. KYLE WAS THIS AND SO MUCH MORE it's positive and family up building. It's criminal how these execs only see entertainment in putting people in competion or suffering for money. Or want only to focus on all the lawless aspects of things in the world.

    1. Propaganda is mostly what tv is used for and with general tv shows now its at an all time absurd blatant level, 9 out of 10 shows regardless of the plot will always always always feature a comibination of these traits- broken families- a purely business oriented mother who is single,and is not single a father who is a cucked shitty father with no spine who lets his wife boss him around and never ever respects her husband/the father of there children etc and doesn't actually lead or teach and parent his own children as well of course,the daughter will almost always be a promiscuous whore who sleeps around,and none of them ever ever learn about the concept of not over indulging to personal accountability,but instead display a non stop victim hood mindset, and if the daughter does get pregnant-which will always always without exception in modern shows happen out of wed lock- they will promote abortion as viable option and even twist it in a way to make it"moral" from the shows point of view,and in the off chance she does have the child, she to wont marry the father-who will also be a man whore and shitty father himself- and they wont get married or teach there children values/culture/tradition/about God etc etc,oh and more and more gay couples just for the heck of it-really to promote blatant agendas for anyone not sleeping under a rock still in 2019-and etc etc,oh and also any representation of say a Religious family who appears to take there faith seriously-especially if there christian- will then be revealed to not take there faith seriously at all and instead will be portrayed as generally a family of cheating lying manipulating hypocrites, insert some more broken homes, more weak father figures, more neutered fathers, more mothers who are single or whose life goal and ambition is primarily there job,while not ever being a fulfilled great mother and Wife, etc etc etc.So yeah while even Kyle Xy was for the time was fairly "liberal"in some ways anyways compared to how over the top and blatant they arewith there propaganda/agenda now, it may as well have been freaking leave it to beaver by todays standards really when it comes to what I listed above and comparatively speaking hah. Sadly wee wont ever ever see the likes of it again,especially on the so called"family channel" which is really just run by anti family rapey/pedo/pervy freaks really like most of Hollywood.But all that said Kyle Xy was a very great and special show no question.

  28. Anonymous8/09/2013

    Did someone just say that he/she has watched it all? Pls tell me where did you watch it ? How did you do it...I really want to complete my favorite movie of all time 'Kyle Xy'.

  29. Anonymous8/13/2013

    One thing you ABC family should know is that you dont just wake up one day and declare whatever you want without thinking of others; crews, fans...A real family dont do that. Its always better never to bite what you know you cant chew. Always have foresights in life, you lack that!

  30. I have spent the last week watching this show. I feel in love with everything about it. I hope they could bring the show back or as some have said make a movie for the ending. To leave a show as great as this one is so frustrating because never knowing what the true ending will be. Even a story line just won't work. This show has been like a drug to me and still want more. Please bring this show back. I dose not matter if it is a show or maybe 2 or 3 movies. I would defiantly go to see the movies and buy not only the seasons but also the movies. Please, please, a writer has to finish the script and movies need to be made. Thank you

  31. don't they have a book or something like that to continue kyle's story???..i think that would be a great and very satisfying alternative.. Basing from the answers of how the story should have ended, I really think a "BOOK" version would definitely sell out..so c'mon.!Make the continuation..we're waiting!!!

  32. Anonymous8/26/2013

    hate abc love u kyle!!!!!

    1. Anonymous6/29/2014

      ABC Family, like Latnok, only cares about the money!!!! UGH

  33. I still can't believe what abc family had done, and I hate them for that for the rest of my life. What's the use of watching another tv show from this channel, since we don't have any guaranty that history won't repeat itself!

  34. Anonymous9/20/2013

    I still hope they'd bring Kyle xy back, although I'm a favor of Jessi. Her & Kyle are soul mates to the end. She should be going on the adventure helping him. They are an epic love. Save the tub, bring it back!

  35. Anonymous10/02/2013

    I just finished watching Kyle XY on netflix. Amazing show. Not fair that they stopped it. I agree that a movie should be made. They need to admit their mistake and make a movie or a wrap up mini series

  36. 'Jersey Shore' has 2 spin offs and Kyle XY gets suddenly axed. Solid evidence that there is no God and TV executives love money more than loyalty.

  37. Anonymous10/31/2013

    ABC Family = Latnok
    Just sayin....

  38. To all of those who described hating ABC family, don't you think that is kind of contradictory to the morals of the show? Kyle XY was an amazing show and touched my life and truly inspired my thought process. I am upset at ABC family because they are affiliated with Disney and to me Kyle XY had way more Disney reputation. The shows for teenagers on abc family now are just influentially subliminal messages of immoral teenager and adolescent behaviors, which is already a major problem in today's world. I see drama every day the way it is on those other shows. I honestly don't understand why teens like them so much and I'm only twenty. I am a huge fan and if I was rich I would completely fund a saga of Kyle XY movies rewritten and perfected, using what the first and second season offered plot wise and exloring the potential of the "seemingly rushed" season three plot and most of the original cast if possible, I'd like to be included if I'm paying, but I'd rather just have it done. Kyle XY is the best series I have ever seen and I promise that if I ever come across a fortune I'd make sure it was done. If there are any rich fans of Kyle XY please shoot me an email if you are truely considering the idea of it being saved from a brutal death... my email address is Epsilondefute@gmail.com...

  39. Anonymous11/13/2013

    I don't hate ABC family for canceling kxy bit just because I don't hate them doesn't mean I want the show back. I beg ABC family to return kxy.....please please pleaseeeee!!

  40. Anonymous11/18/2013

    I see myself still praying Kyle XY is brought back. For whatever reason the series was caught short, it just wasn't worth it. You have lots of fan, please do the right thing and complete the series. Thank you

  41. Anonymous11/19/2013

    am jst done watchin it in 9geria nd i dnt blieve it doesn't av anoda episode'so what is d nid of we watchin it sinc 2006 nd jst knowing in 2013 dat's it's canclled it's nt fair' u showed us dat we are NOTIN!

  42. KYLE XY is the best show in the world and for ABC to take it off like that that's not fair! To leave us hanging like that we enjoyed the show I can't stop watching all the seasons over and over again I stayed up till 4 in the morning watching it. I got so sucked in that I can't stop watching and for you to take it off its not fair! It is more educational that the crap they replaced it with. KYLE XY taught you how to be friendly, nice, and loving but the crap they they replaced it with isn't edacitational at all the only thing it's teaching you is to get pregnant at the age of 15 and 16. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BRING IT BACK!!!!!

  43. Anonymous12/03/2013

    kyle xy was an awesome series ever !!!! eventhough the next season not gonna be happen..deep in my heart..im still hope there will be next season for kyle xy....however..thanks for the explaination above... :D


  44. Anonymous12/07/2013

    My family with two teenagers discovered this on Netflicks this summer and spent hours watching every episode, usually waiting until we were all together. We loved the show and the characters and really appreciate the positiveness of Kyle in the midst of unethical and even evil people. Getting to the last unresolved "ending" was awful. I've never felt this way about a TV show before. Thank you for the info from the writer about what would have / might have happened in the future, but Please don't do this kind of ending again, listen to your fans. We would love to see a movie about Kyle.

  45. Anonymous12/07/2013

    Please, bring Kyle back
    So many people are looking forward to watching finale episode of Kyle XY

  46. Anonymous12/10/2013

    Being trapped at home with bronchitis, I found KYLE XY on Netflix and fell in love with this series!! I stayed up until 4am this mornin to watch all of Season 3 and then to learn there is NO more Season 4 or even a movie to wrap up this wonderful story, I was so upset. With Netflix giving it a 5 star rating and I certainly would give it 6 stars...how could ABC Family make such a horrible mistake by canceling the show back in 2009!!! If only they could see how much the fans love watching Kyle XY 4 years later....at least make a movie for the finale to be complete as the writers had planned.

  47. Anonymous12/14/2013

    Hauss Foss Boss!

  48. Anonymous1/04/2014

    You guys should see Suits,continuim,v and many more.
    Directors are getting more creative now so I think there will be series better than "Kyle xy". Try "Suits"

  49. Anonymous1/04/2014

    You guys should see Suits,continuim,v and many more.
    Directors are getting more creative now so I think there will be series better than "Kyle xy". Try "Suits"

  50. I just finished watching the Kyle XY series on Netflix and I think the show is AMAZING and that they need a better ending! I did a little research and I ended up finding this wed page. I appreciate Julie Plec for answering our questions but the other commenters are right!!!! When the show was made and when it ended the country was going through some hard times but I promises that if they tried to start the series up again or even just made one final episode everyone would be happy and they show would probably have 10 times as many views as before! So please, at least TRY to makes another season or even just an actual final episode. Please just give Kyle XY a proper ending!

  51. I just fished watching Kyle XY on Netflix and the show is AMAZING!!!! I appreciate Julie Plec for answering our questions, but the show was not given a proper ending! When the last season was canceled the country was going through some hard times. We still are now but things have gotten better and I think that since Kyle XY has been out for some time now that it has gained more fans... and more let downs because of the last episode. So I believe that they need to make at LEAST one final episode to finish it off! Please at least give us that! I have also told my friends and if the producers saw that we have spread the word about Kyle XY, by the time the last episode comes out it would have 10 times as many viewers! So I think the viewers should make a deal with the producers! If we gather more viewers to watch the show and then write a comment on here then they should make one final episode to finish the series off! Come on guys(and girls) lets start getting more people to PROVE how much we love this show!

  52. I live in London and have just finished watching the last ep. Dam what a letdown. I have a suggestion to the script writers. Do you think you could maybe write a novel to finish off the story... I can say with assurance that I would be one of 4 people in my circle to bye and read the story. They could make a lot of money just on that.

  53. Anonymous1/23/2014

    So unfortunate they ended so abruptly. Bring it back ABC Family!! I just rewatched whole show on Netflix, and hated how so much was left open.

  54. Anonymous2/02/2014

    We need the show back it was interesting

  55. Anonymous2/07/2014

    I need you kyle xy Gogo ABC Family no deccepcion

  56. Anonymous2/09/2014

    I just finished the series on Netflix and was completely shocked and angry when I watched the last episode end with so many unanswered questions. I didnt believe it at first. But, i checked online and found out that my nightmare had become reality. It was such a good show and I am SOOOOO disappointed that it ended! I would die of happiness if they brought Kyle XY back or did the whole mini series or movie thing. PLEASE ABC FAMILY!!!!!!

  57. Anonymous2/15/2014

    please bring back KYLE XY its not to late ......its not fare to the people who love that show and could really relate to the problems that the family were going through...like how kyle was felling like an outcast .....some one please continue to make more episodes its onley been about4~5 year or just make a movie....just think how many people would love the return of KYLE XY ...I know I would so someone please help me and just keep going with this show ....it could be the nex tbig thing

  58. Anonymous2/16/2014

    we love kyle bring it back please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its unfair what you did to the fans, leaving us in suspense. we need to know what will happen. i believe kyle and amanda should be together. consider our request as soon as possible

  59. Anonymous2/17/2014

    i wish they would finish it off the show properly, it was a great show the drama and emotions throughout the 3 seasons were perfectly balanced. i did shed a few tears, i hate how TV company's like this start something new and fresh and something that was perfect and that can never be bothered to finish it all the way to the end, they shouldn't start something if there not gonna finish what they have started or otherwise whats the point of it all just to get our hopes up and fall in love with a go show just to get it ripped away from us. company's like this shouldn't make TV shows they don't love their job properly for it money and ratings aren't everything, having the opportunity to make other people happy is enough


  60. It would be the most amazing ting if it returned...

  61. Anonymous2/20/2014

    Feb 20, 2014... I have never been more shocked at ANYTHING, as I was with the ending of this series. I watched the entire series on Netflix streaming into my bedroom. I was awake until the sun rose into the sky watching it for a week. I couldn't tear myself away. Then to have it end the way it did,...I can't tell you how sad and cheated I felt. I don't know what audience you targeted but I am 65 years old and enjoyed it more than any series I have seen in a very very long time. I think any one could relate to it no matter if you are a teenager, a parent, or just a person who enjoys a great TV drama. If you don't bring this show back, or at least do a movie that will tie up all those loose ends you left us with, you don't deserve to do any more shows at all. You are totally irresponsible to your cast, crew, and especially your audience and avid fans of Kyle XY!!!!!!

  62. Anonymous2/23/2014

    Dear ABC Family,
    I regret to inform you that you took over 7 days of my life, consuming and deteriorating my fragile mind with this absolutely, incredibly, amazingly, heart throbbing show that is called Kyle XY. As all other viewers of this show, I am absolutely outraged that you would allow it to end in such a fashion. The last week of dreams have been unbelievable, but the dreams to come may cause me to pull a Jessi from season 2, episode 2 to all who decided to cancel the show. Give us viewers what we want; a finale that will close the books on our tortured minds. I am so glad I didn't watch this show every week while it was on. Six feet under or ashes in the sky is where you belong.

    Yours truly,

  63. Kyle xy was my favorite serie after all... so why did they had to cancel it anyway??

  64. I've only just seen Kyle XY complete as we don't get any. I have to say found it one of the best series and have to agree it had the worse ending. For a series to still have this effect on people years after the making that has to mean something.

  65. Anonymous5/08/2014

    please and please. for god's sake. bring this movie back!
    or someone else is going to make a kind of movie like this and they are going to literally steal your thunder. and then you won't have to cancel just one show.

  66. Just finished Kyle XY for the second time and am still outraged more than ever about the ending. I have not watched ABC family since this shows cancellation in 2009 and never intend to again!

  67. Hey, I don't know if you are reading this.
    Like it or not, your series has become part of people's life.
    I feel like Nicole is my mother and Stephen is my father. I feel like they are my people.
    For the cast and the writer - you should know that by stopping this series, you have refused part of the reason why you are here on Earth.
    KYLE XY is revealing, enlightening, everything. We have series with up to 16seasons. What's wrong with you guys. Y r u giving excuses. If u really want to continue, nothing could stop you(as I got to know from KYLE-XY how powerful the mind is).
    You should do something, or betterstill write a Novel!!!
    I tell you, if you don't commence now, I would grow really rich and make you continue in your old age.

  68. please bring back kyle xy.....i love the show and miss it bad! also need to know it ends =(

  69. I'm in the UK & just finished watching Kyle XY. I was so, so annoyed when it finished so abruptly on such a cliffhanger. After all the hours I had invested watching, and loving, this series. I would love it if they concluded the series and would even buy the entire show on Blu-Ray! Don't think this will ever happen though, very sad.

  70. Can't believe the abrupt ending after investing many hours watching, and loving Kyle XY. So sad and annoyed. Shame it ended abruptly, I would have bought the entire show on Blu-Ray!

  71. All you gave up.We should still have hope , like kyle.. if we do everything we can to bring kyle xy back we can! Nothing is impossible.Look at our great inspiration KYLE ♡Never Lose Hope!

  72. Kyle XY was a brilliant show it was unique and different and it deserved to continue it deserved a better ending. They cut the show down way before it's time. At that point in my life Kyle XY was the only thing that gave me something to look forward to every week and to me it was hope and comfort. It drew all of it's fans in and made us a part of the show like we were really there with all of the emotions, happiness, sadness, anger and with a lot of the everyday real-life problems and drama with from everything to trying to fit in at a new school or trying to get your grade up to make something of yourself to losing a job. I was so angry when Kyle XY was canceled but I still continue to watch reruns and I always will. Kyle XY will always be a part of my life and it will always hold a special place in my hart. As Kyle once said "And sometimes a moment becomes a memory the instant it's happening, because it is so true..so pure... and so significant... you want to capture it forever !"

  73. Anonymous7/03/2014

    I want this show to come back but just imagine if they made a movie or a last episode on it..everyone would be older and although exciting it wouldn't feel the same..I mean have you seen josh Trager lately?? Daamn

  74. Anonymous7/08/2014

    Bring Kyle xy back pleaaase!!

  75. Anonymous7/15/2014

    I just watched kyle xy on netflix and was so confused and upset when the story just ended. It felt like suddently losing a dear friend. I understand that money makes the world go round, but now that the worst of the financial storm is over, the network really should release a wrap-up special or mini series. Maybe even release a feature film like firefly/serenity did. It's a shame the good stories never last, but the trashy reality shows keep on kicking. Way to appeal to the lowest common denominator ABC.

  76. Anonymous7/20/2014

    ABC FAMILY. Please bring it back. Look how many people want it back. It's not fair to your viewers.

  77. Anonymous7/20/2014

    I personally think that Fitch from baby daddy is kyle xy undercover as I cannot recall seeing Fitch's bellybutton and three of the main kyle characters have already appeared there. Aside from that Jessi and kyle are soul mates and abc family has denied me the privilege of fangirling over them.
    Even a book or fanfiction version would do...

  78. Anonymous7/20/2014

    i personally think that fitch from baby daddy is kyle xy undercover as i cannot recall seeing fitch's bellybutton and already three of the main kyle characters have appeared there. aside from that, jessi and kyle are soul mates and abc family has denied me the priveledge of fangirling over them. as many commenters have said make a movie or a mini-series about kyle ten years later and you would get many viewers and make a lot of money seeing as the kyle xy fandom is growing and hardcore fans would do anything to see how it all turned out.

  79. Anonymous7/22/2014

    Kyle XY: Season 3 Feature Length Wrap-Up -- Outline

    Kyle kills Cassidy even though he knows that he's his brother, because he can't trust him not to hurt his family and those who are close to him.
    Kyle tracks down and meets Grace, is very emotional, and ultimately decides not to kill her out of pity. As he is leaving, she cries, as a change of heart and a longing for her son Cassidy leave her in a state of depression.

    Kyle questions his strengths, spirituality, and if he's the same person as he once was, or even a good person. He questions whether a person should have the abilities he has, and if it's playing God.

    Kyle tells all of the other teens at Latnoch, other than Nate, the true plans of the organization, and enlists them to help him and Jessi to overthrow Latnoch and put an end to Adam's experiment.
    Kyle and Jessi experiment with Teleportation, and succeed, in order to get in to a room in Latnoch to destroy computer information.
    Together the group burn all of the research, eliminate the resources, and leave the building in ashes. Regardless of efforts from Nate to stop them out of spite.
    Grace kills herself after Latnoch is ruined, as there is nothing left for her in the world. Kyle feels responsible, and saddened, but assumes it to be for the best.
    Kyle and Jessi keep the Latnoch rings in remembrance of what Latnoch was supposed to be about, and to remember Adam and Sarah.

    Kyle chooses Jessi over Amanda, and they have a very passionate relationship, knowing how to counteract one another. Amanda graduates and gets in to Juilliard, meeting a guy there, hoping to forget about Kyle and all of his dark secrets. Kyle sends a letter to her explaining mostly everything, and telling her that he's decided to be with Jessi, and that he's sorry for ever causing her pain, all he's ever wanted was her happiness and safety.

    Lori and Declan get together. But Lori decides to go to college, and Declan can't get his basketball scholarship because of his ankle.
    They have to cope and say a heart-felt goodbye, hoping to see each other again in the future.

    Declan stays friends with Kyle, and always has his back.
    Mark also becomes Kyle's close friend after helping him destroy Latnoch.

    Hillary gets a job as an intern for a magazine.

    Josh and Andy decide over video chat to elope when they turn 18. Though Andy seems a little afraid that it won't work, and that they will have a hard time keeping a long-distance relationship for 2 years, regardless of Josh being very reassuring of his loyalty and love.
    Josh also continues to study to be a doctor.

    Foss returns to congratulate Kyle on taking down Latnoch. He tells him that he's like a son to him, and that he'll always be there for him. He also reveals to Kyle and Jessi a secret facility in a remote area that Adam Baylen put in his will for them. A large house in the mountains for them to work on their own researches, to live in, and to create a life for themselves, to make a difference in the world, the reason they were created.

    Kyle decides against using his abilities publicly, and keeps them in secret, only helping people when they don't know he's helping them. He believes that having the world worship him as a spiritual leader, healer, and renowned genius would cause fame to go to his head and would after all be playing God, just as he feared.
    He wants to help people from the shadows with his research, while Jessi tells him that she wants to take a different approach and be worldly known.
    They decide to start a website posting all of their discoveries, and answers to the world's questions, signed Jessi and anonymous, and hack it to make it the most popular website on the internet.

    They move in together in the house that Adam left for them, and the camera pans away from the house as the sun is setting just in the background, glinting through the windows.

    1. Anonymous11/06/2015

      yasss. I love Kessi.

    2. How about kymanda?!?

    3. My concern is on what happened after kyle had realised that he was having feelings for two people... Jessi and Amanda... I like Amanda though

    4. Anonymous1/25/2023

      Far more realistic than what the writers had in mind. Good work!!!

  80. 2014...BRING BACK KYLE XY!!!!!!!!!

  81. Please join this campaign: https://www.change.org/petitions/abc-make-abc-start-another-season-of-kyle-xy?recruiter=129487755&utm_campaign=mailto_link&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition

    join my petition to bring this show back

  82. Please join this campaign: https://www.change.org/petitions/abc-make-abc-start-another-season-of-kyle-xy?recruiter=129487755&utm_campaign=mailto_link&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition

    join me

  83. Anonymous8/20/2014

    Was a great show. Wish they'd remake it, or conclude it. It was ridiculous that ABC cancelled it. My anger goes out to you, just like the rest of the fans, ABC.

  84. Anonymous8/22/2014

    It's 8/22/14 11:57 and I want this to be remembered as the day I vowed to bring this show back and get the answers we deserve rather that be a movie or more episodes of a show. -Ace

  85. Anonymous8/29/2014

    I have watched the entirety of this series more times than I can count. Still wish to see more. It's awful to love something like this and never be able to climb into that world without the pang of loss it leaves. I wish the writers would continue the story in book format. No need for actors to be in line with looking a certain age, no massive production/special effects costs, and we could all jump right back in to the story. Why can't it be? Seriously... it could be done....

  86. Anonymous8/30/2014

    Bring Kyle XY back!!!!

  87. Anonymous9/08/2014

    I just finished the show. I don't know how I ever missed this show when it was Aired. If memory serves me right I think I can remember not watching this show only because I mixed it up with another show I didn't like at the time as well the advertisements did not to anything for me. But... with that said I by chance just watched it now thanks to my dad and as my dad put it...it's a hidden gem. This show made me cry, encouraged me and so many other feeling a. As one person. In these posts put it a feeling of euphoria! I am so sad seeing it go. I had no idea I'd fall in love with it and all the characters. We have to keep these posts and emails to ABC going. Plz everybody don't ever stop. You never know somebody may see this and bring it back when the times right. Such an incredible special show. I don't get how a special shows taken off the air. Reading reviews I guess it sounded like it had to many mixed genres. At the end of the day it was awesome and if it lacked anything then they should change it and bring it back. Keep this going. Let's make it to 10 years and have posts still going.

  88. Anonymous9/18/2014

    Noooooo I tought there was an ending have seen all episodes on Netflix. It can not end like this. I allways favored an ending with Amanda and kyle toghetwr and starting a family and he veing brilliant and all and doing what is best fot the world. And Jessi more or less becoming bad...

  89. Anonymous9/24/2014

    Pls ABC family, bring back the season 4 of kyle xy. Pls pls pls...

  90. Anonymous9/26/2014

    To be honest: when I started watching Kyle XY , I was well aware of the fact that it only consisted of 3 seasons with no real ending . Well , that's almost the whole truth . I only got introduced to this fact at about episode 5 . Fans would know that this was already enough to keep me watching .

    I just figured that 3 seasons is better than 1 , right ? WRONG ! When I started thinking of the series as a being , it became clear . If someone was going to die , you'd prefer knowing him for only 5 days rather than getting attached , but you won't regret if you decided to stick around longer . This was how I was feeling .

    That is when I decided that this can't really be the end . I knew I had to do something . And I found this site , which was a total bummer when I realized the show had been cancelled like 4 years ago and I started reading the comments , which made it even worse since I saw all the protesting that had been going on and that it made no difference . I still couldn't let it go .

    I knew I wouldn't be able to make a difference , since everybody seemed to have given up in like 2013 . I saw how lost and confused, scared and angry the fans were because of what had happened . I was one of the angry ones .

    Don't get me wrong - I love ABC family . I just don't get how they can keep so much running , but this had to be stopped . I feel sorry for the cast and crew who had been a lot closer to everything .

    Hay , what would Kyle do ?

    So I'm just getting my message out .

    ( I also want to back up a comment . Why not bring the show back with Kyle in his 20's ? What we've already seen can be brought in with memories , flashbacks , anything at all . It'd obviously be a much better idea if Kyle could maybe come back as a normal person , finding his senses like Jessi had to , and then realizing that he had missed a part of his life . We could be taken back to what we've already seen in vague flashbacks but more vivid memories would help us see parts of what we had missed . Little make-up magic and may I suggest a razor ? He might even look sixteen again . I'm no producer , but this isn't my idea anyway . )

  91. Anonymous10/04/2014

    I'm DONE with ABC Family :(

  92. Anonymous11/26/2014

    Kyle XY was seriously a really good serie! So sad that you just decided to cut it off! I agree with the person who asked about an episode with a sum up. please, do something for us kyle xy fans :( <3 <3

  93. 5 years later and still can't believe it didn't finish..
    Announce its return people will go nuts and I'm sure you will make budget

  94. Anonymous12/20/2014

    Omg just discovered kyle xy watched series back to back. Completely addictive , amazing, gorgeous. Then WTF it just ends . Had to google to find out show is cancelled. Think abc has made a catastrophic mistake. I would compare this up there with the likes of twilight with a little tweek.

  95. Anonymous12/20/2014

    Bring a book out and let the love triangle commence pleeesase

  96. Anonymous1/16/2015

    I want kayl xy. Back

  97. Anonymous1/26/2015

    They never said why the cancellation was for !!! Nothing is too hard when it comes to continuing an excellent show like this one. its already 2015 and we can't stop thinking of this show , and still mad about how it ended .

  98. Anonymous2/15/2015

    I HATE that ABC family cancelled this emotionally triggering show. LOVE KYLE XY! <3

  99. Anonymous3/10/2015

    I hope they turn the next chapters after season 3 into a book a soon return as TV series or a movie like all other novels that was turned into movie.

  100. Anonymous4/03/2015

    Please bring the show back! Its been 6 years since you cancelled it, and people are still interessed in wanting it back.. So please: bring the show back!

  101. Anonymous4/22/2015

    if i have kyle's power? i would probably do everything to bring this show back. LOVE KYLE XY..

    - from PHILIPPINES

  102. Anonymous4/23/2015

    I miss Kyle XY... It's one of my favorite series and I wish it would have continue many more seasons so we could have seen the end and enjoy the serie more.. :/

  103. Anonymous4/25/2015

    I still waiting forma the next season. ABC Family, it is an unrespectful and unresponsible thing of your part, if you started something then finish it. I'm getting so mad with ABC Family, I'm depresive because of you guys

  104. Anonymous7/21/2015

    wtf is: Kyle wouldn't end with either Jessie or Amanda???
    U guys are really heartless!
    Kyle deserves a woman, children and a happy life not been a robot travelling all over the world helping people who don' t need help.
    bull shit!!!
    Despite that u guys are Marvelos!
    Coming back to ABC family; I would kick the hell out of ur Ass if I could see u in person!

  105. Anonymous7/21/2015

    You can't imagine the deep disappointment I had learning Kyle is gay!

  106. Anonymous8/14/2015

    Jessi a freaking hero two her and Kyle should go saves the world together and have bab

    1. Anonymous11/06/2015

      I was thinking the same thing. They so stupid ABC Family

  107. Anonymous9/24/2015

    I wamt Kyle XY back !!!!

  108. Anonymous11/04/2015

    2015...and yes I still hope they'd bring the show back! I started watching it one month ago, thinking" wow very interesting show, cant wait to see all the episodes.."Now i watched season 3 and im angry as duck..:-(

  109. Anonymous11/04/2015

    Bring it back pleas..!

  110. Anonymous11/06/2015

    I am writing Kyle Xy in the Fanfiction.net. Go check it out

  111. Anonymous11/12/2015

    bring it backkkkk

  112. Anonymous11/15/2015

    I loved Kyle XY. It was perfect sf for the whole family. I was amazed by the numerous writing choices that made the story and characters unconventional. This was so refreshing. The dynamic between Jessi and Kyle was awesome I wish we all could have seen their relationship flourish. Amanda was never my favourite. Too plastic somehow. Andy and Josh, Lori and Declan (and the nerdy Latnok student) were all intriguing characters. The sf side worked brilliantly, too. Please bring back this extraordinary show. If it's too late then Kyle XY 10 years later -series. He could be going around the world doing good and I'm sure everyone would want to see as much of the old cast as possible in the show.
    Last but not least - the hero does not have to stand alone - you could break the cliche there, too. Kyle and Jessi would've become the most real and epic relationship between teo superheroes ever. Period.


  114. Okay, I loved Kyle XY when it was on tv and i am currently re-watching the series because it is just awesome! But I don't think you guys completely understand what you're talking about. Veronica Mars did a kick starter movie to conclude everything but they just made it a crowd pleaser and it ruined the magic, everything ended back where it started, no one progressed. That's all they can really do when they're trying too hard to please fans, make a sub par rendition of something that was once great. Yes it would have been great if the series continued but at least we now have some answers

  115. The Flash, Arrow , supernatural And all coming series are nothing in front of kyle xy ... it's an awesome series without ending -_- ... PLEASE FOR GOD SAKE GIVE US AN ENDING...


  117. Anonymous3/21/2016


  118. Anonymous4/13/2016

    2016 and still watching the show for the 4th or 5th time. It would be amazing if they bring back the show or atleast make a closure movie.

  119. Anonymous4/27/2016

    I am really a great admirer of the this show. At least create a finale episode of 1 to 2 hours to make it end complete, so that this cliffhanger situation is gone.

  120. It would be awesome if #netfkix # amazon or something would bring it back or make a movie like with fullhouse and others that got brought back.

  121. Anonymous6/25/2016

    The world, now more than ever, needs this show to go on. We know that our world is in the hands of our children and the education they receive. This medium through Kyle is a powerful spiritual educator where Kyle can uncover real-world 'truths' in digestible forms for the common person and our youth and children. We would be able to explore with him, and grow spiritually with him, for ourselves to now make decisions for our future in this world towards peace and sustainability, before great calamities overcome us. One of the themes that has been touched on has been science vs religion, and the underlying principles that bind people from diverse backgrounds and belief systems: This show has the fantastic potential to accellerate a comparative education through Kyle's quest for truth to come to an understanding about the harmony between science and religion, and the purpose of life on earth and its place in the overall spiritual experience of life after death. In order for people in this world, now, to have the kind of education not received but desperately needed, Kyle XY has the potential to help give people hope and guide them to collaboration towards peace and sustainability. There will be funds for this - just look more widely, and see it as a mission for helping the world at its most vulnerable.

    1. Truely Have no comment still waiting for next season!

  122. It's been 10 years since my obsession started, can't tell you how many powerpoints I used to make with the casts pictures using a Matthew Perryman Jones song as the melody. Love this show, it'll always be apart of my life

  123. Anonymous12/30/2016

    I begann to see the Show because of Jamie Alexander. I have seen her in Blindspot und wanted to see more of her.
    And then i found Kyle XY and was very surprised about this fantastic Show. Unbeleavable, that this Show was cancelled after the 3. season. Have seen all 3 Seasons in a time of 2 weeks - now i'm crying, that´s over (and the cliffhanger is horrible). Thank's to Julie Plec for the final words!

  124. Stephanie1/01/2017

    Just got my boyfriend into this show. I am hoping Hulu will pick it up to do another season or special. So good! It annoys me that the very genre crossing, melding mystery, family, sci-fi, romance, and adventure that made it good is also what made it lose the 'big target audience'. Hey, at least we got 1.5 more seasons than firefly.

  125. Anonymous1/13/2017

    Here's my take on why this show closed, it kind of selfdestructed.


  126. Anonymous4/13/2017

    I have just seen for the first time all this show in Italy on SKY. We are in 2017 and we still have to consider how STUPID are those of ABC Family, now Freeform TV!

  127. Anonymous6/02/2017

    I am saddened by this show's ending and the way that Julie Plec described the endings to some of the character's story arcs, primarily Jessi. She is not broken, and in a lot of ways I see her as stronger than Kyle. I am mad that the show ended, but if they were going to do an injustice on the amazing character, and actress, them I am glad I did not have to see it. Also Amanda was an annoying character. I Wholeheartedly believe that if they would of gotten rid of Amanda that the show would of had more viewers. Her and Kyle's relationship should of always been 1-sided with a brief relationship leading Amanda and Kyle to be friends like Lori and Declan.

  128. Anonymous6/13/2017

    Just finished watching all 3 seasons of this amazing show & am so sad it got cancelled. It definitely has a positive impact and is thought provoking and we need more of that in the world.

  129. Anonymous7/19/2017

    Bring Kyle xy back

  130. Anonymous9/25/2017

    They could have let them make one more episode to bring closure to the fans. The final episode ended as a "to be continued".

    1. Anonymous9/14/2018

      Kyle xy is said to be cancelled, because of the viewers were just 5.2.M but come to think about it,you just let those 5.2M people down what about the people buying in dics.please return kyle xy

  131. It’s interesting to all these comments not one has commented about the network Ending a good show that we all love and never got to see the final story and that ABC family have had so many shows come in go that have last for only 1 to 2 seasons and some even 5-7 seasons TV shows the one show I despise all that I believe and felt what took Kyle off the air was the secret life of the American teenager that show and Kyle was a running network with in and it took A great show by over popularity and better ratings and you dame you Secret life teenager show That show was just ridiculous how I spoke nothing about just sex life is one thing but I got so overbearing but I talking about just having sex my favorite shows through the ABC life has been beautiful people which only lasted one season and switch at birth that I have only known and of course Kyle they’re always lived on as a ABC greatest shows yes pretty little liars was a good show that I was not really into it like I said shows come and go but nothing will live up to great shows that should have stayed on for long time live on Kyle XY

  132. Anonymous9/14/2018

    please the end of this film cannot be predicted you people are thrilling us.

  133. Anonymous9/06/2019

    All these protest will be decided by the hands of one man or woman to just put a pen on paper to approve. Even if finance is the issue, the show could be closed for 3yrs at most. Look now, since 2006-2019 kyle xy is still touching and the person in charge of this show could have just approved, buh still i don't think its too late. Something can still be done, even if it involves new crews and casts. My question for abc family is, is lifting pple soul your goal or watering it down? When u can answer that question do the right thing.

  134. Da poco ho finito di vederlo e onestamente mi sento molto deluso al pensiero che non lo abbiano continuato. Il modo in cui è finito, risulta alquanto offensivo per i fans e per tutto il pubblico che fin dall'inizio si era appassionato alla serie. La motivazione per cui lo hanno cancellato è insulsa, poiche la terza stagione per come è terminata avrebbe fatto rialzare gli ascolti, poiché la storia era solo all'inizio del suo sviluppo. Molto deluso dall'azienda produttrice che ha preferito puntare su altre serie di minor importanza,dimenticandosi di quella più importante e di successo. Sinceramente spero in un ritorno anche se gli attori oramai non so più giovani.. Anche se con un po di inventiva e il giusto pizzico di narrazione la serie può tornare ancora ad altissimi livelli. Spero che la nuova casa produttrice che ha sostituito l'ABC, ci ripensi.

  135. Il modo in cui la serie è finita è deplorevole, non si può cancellare una serie nel bel mezzo del suo sviluppo. Kyle xy era la serie di punta della azienda produttrice, e un leggero abbassamento degli ascolti è insignificante contando tutti i fans della serie. Ascolti che sicuramente con l'introduzione della quarta stagione sarebbero tornati e aumentati, tenendo conto di Come si stava sviluppando la storia. Prendere in giro i fans in questo modo, cancellando tutto proprio nello sviluppo della serie, non solo ha fatto perdere fiducia nell'azienda ma anche nei produttori. Do un consiglio alla nuova azienda che da come ho saputo ha sostituito l'ABC, recuperare gli attori anche se un po invecchiati, e con l'aiuto delle nuove tecniche costruire una storia di successo e che dia la giusta continuazione e il giusto rispetto a questa serie.. Una delle poche di qualità. Oramai l'attesa è durata abbastanza e le continue lamentele dei fans che vogliono una nuova stagione dovrebbe far riflettere coloro che possono rimettere in piedi kyle xy. Spero che il mio consiglio venga ascoltato.

  136. Please something should be done about the movie , can't bring myself to believe the season ended like that and there's no new season

  137. I really want to know the end of his journey, my only regret is that i cannot support this show from the beginning. Not many shows nowadays can give meaningful messages about family, friend, love and friendship like "Kyle XY" did.
    I truly hope that ABC will revive this in the near future.

  138. I just want to say that it is not too late, bring back kyle xy

  139. ELIABE2/21/2021

    Sad end! Very nice show, I ended up whatching the series "finale"... =/

  140. Anonymous6/28/2023

    Just watched Kyle XY again. Still upsetting. The least you could’ve done was finish the next episode. I’m sure there still would’ve been a lot of unanswered questions. But who ends in the middle of the season ! So heartless & selfish
