"Canceled. I am so sorry." It was on this day in 2009 when that succinct message hit the inbox of one of our admins after a desperate last-ditch attempt by Kyle XY cast members appealing to fans to help increase audience figures when the show had only just begun its Season 3 run on ABC Family. Unfortunately, the threat of cancellation came too suddenly — and too late — for word to spread effectively to the wider TV-watching world.
Season 3 had been written with the confident anticipation that a Season 4 would be forthcoming. Disastrously, the ABC Family executives' decision to cancel came too late in the production process for the writers to complete the show's various story arcs, leaving characters and plot flailing, beached by rising production costs and an ebbing target audience. The series finale, which was written as a season finale, ended on a terrible cliffhanger and left a bitter taste in the mouths of all who invested so much in the show — fans, cast and crew alike.
After the cancellation
In the four years since the cancellation, Kyle XY's international syndication has seen it aired in over 60 countries, and each time the dreaded final episode ends there follows a whole new wave of confused and angry viewers, desperately groping in the dark for answers and news of the next season...and falling into the same pit of despair as many before them when realizing there will never be a return on their considerable emotional investment. The show is canceled. No more episodes. Period.![]() |
Famous Kyle XY promo image (ABC Family) |
It was extraordinary that ABC Family's flagship show, the one that put it firmly on the cable map, should be thrown away so unexpectedly and cruelly. There have since been numerous campaigns by fans to bring Kyle XY back - or to, at least, be appeased by a wrap-up feature length episode. None of the campaigning has ever succeeded in moving the ABC Family executives (or any other studio/TV company) into backing further episodes, or commissioning a wrap-up movie. Why? There are several reasons, actually, some of which would not be helpful to discuss.
Kyle X-Why?
The only reason that really needs to be voiced is that it was a business decision. Even though we'd all love there to be some kind of contractual clause when commissioning a new show, that it should be accorded a proper ending in the event of cancellation, TV companies are businesses first and foremost. If the show is not performing well enough to suit the people who budget, market and plan ahead, then it is bad business to continue with it.![]() |
Famous Kyle XY promo image (ABC Family) |
There were problems, however. Notwithstanding a general writers strike, Kyle XY began to move in and out of its original target audience, in and out of genres, and the writers meandered in and out of clear story development at certain points. In many ways, the show completely outgrew the viewership for which it was created, signaling a decline in audience figures. Bottom line in broadcasting: if people aren't tuning in (for whatever reason), there is little justification for continuing to pour valuable resources (i.e. money) into producing more of it. Kyle XY's ship was sinking under the weight of its own costs with decreasing viewers to bail it out. Its parent, ABC Family, needed to divert resources into programming that fell more in line with its financial and demographic targets. Bye-bye flagship Kyle XY...
We can all argue, especially with the benefit of hindsight, that ABC Family made a huge mistake and could have handled the dwindling ratings and spiraling costs differently. However, we cannot turn back the clock and undo that which has already been done. Like many of the painful lessons Kyle himself had to endure, we must learn to let go of things (and people) we love and move on.
![]() |
Kyle waves goodbye. (ABC Family) |
Can the show be saved?
In a nutshell, unlikely. We, here at Matt Dallas World, are continually bombarded with cries to save the show. Sadly, we have to admit that we do not have that power and influence — and, most importantly, neither do the cast members, writers or production team. The only thing we all have to offer to the confused and angry fans, both new and old, is our empathy. There is nothing we (or the cast and crew) can do, particularly when appeals to bring the show back fall on deaf executive ears.Always and forever
There is no denying that Kyle XY was (and is) an absolute joy of a show, with moments of sublime insight offset by the most engaging performances by a completely dedicated cast. There will never be another show quite like it, with its ability to transcend genres and age groups, and its uncanny ability to provoke deep emotional and philosophical responses in those of us who saw its worth and forgave its flaws. Special praise goes out to our Matt, of course, for bringing the character of Kyle to life and allowing us to see our own strengths and weaknesses through his eyes.
It is with sadness that we must lay Kyle XY to rest for so many of you, but as long as you continue to watch the re-runs, buy the DVDs, talk about the story, write the fan fictions, and remember the amazing combination of people that brought it all to life, the show will never end.
Questions answered, the future revealed
Finally, for those of you who are still wondering where the story was heading, you can read the interview with writer/producer, Julie Plec, where she answers a lot of the questions left open by the cancellation, in Kyle XY: Beginnings and Endings (translate tool available).
Alternatively, some questions are answered for you in the Kyle XY: Future Revealed videos below:
This show was very versatile and touched people's hearts and I feel that it could have been more than just what was left on the last episode. I wish this show still continued. But, I appreciate all the work that was put into this. I still have hope that it may show up again sometime in the near future.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI have just finished watching all four seasons in 3 days. That's how addicted I was to the show. I am so disappointed that the show was cancelled and I think they made a bad decision by doing so!! I am very frustrated at the ending and would love it if they did a feature show/ film ! : (
DeleteI hope so too, although it's very unlikely
DeleteI really did like the show i watched it on netflix. I was disappointed with the abc only looking to deepen there pockets and when they couldn't they cancelled this show. I still HOPE there's a chance to bring it back
Deleteyes, but hopes lives on, like mine.. love kyle from my deepest bone.. love his innocent, genuine,and super ability.. just my mawkishness badly miss him..thanks for this guys!
ReplyDeleteKyle is great these days you can never go wrong with si-fi everyone loves vampires, werewolves ghosts and fairies so why not give it another shot please please it would be fantastic just give it a go start from season 1 and watch what happens
DeleteI Love this Show... Im Sure that in this Year The ABC Family's executives are going to Change their mind And take more serially their Audiencesssss...with A.
ReplyDeletei love d show, i am so impressed d way it goin, bt i am sad dat d concludin part i been canceald, well i appreciate ur effort @admin ,isn't there a way it could brought back
ReplyDeleteMy name is Matthew, I am Brazilian, I think this was one of the best TV series ever produced. I just love Kyle XY! The way he saw the world, the action, the drama, the aveturuas through which he passed were really cool!! I have all episodeos here at my computer and watched the show a bunch of times and never get tired! I was extremely upset when I heard they canceled it ... Not to mention that Matt is an excellent actor, embodied the character like few can. I know it's hard, but I would love if they returned to produce ... Matt, if you read this review, please answer me!! It would be of great importance for me to at least intaragir a bit with a large idol ... Know that I am a BIG FAN yours! Congratulations for your wonderful work and sorry for my English layman, I can not speak this language very well. Even more!
ReplyDeleteYou speak this language better than you think. Blessed be!
DeleteYou speak this language better then you think! Blessed be.
DeleteCan't it be brought back with a kickstarter campaign, like the veronica mars movie? I mean, yes, it will still need distributors and studios to approve, but then if the campaign would be successful, then(in my opinion) the people who want the series to return can raise enough funds to make it happen.
ReplyDeleteI only caught fleeting moments of episodes when I was a kid in between channel surfing for cartoons. I was too young to completely understand what was going on, but I remember watching it and being very moved. It was a vivid experience, being moved and touched by this series I didn't fully understand-like listening to music without knowing thee lyrics. I'm sad to find out just now what had happened to the series. I had always thought that it reached a satisfying conclusion, with smiles and tears all around.
Wow, Guys! Thanx for all ur effort, on the webpages and everything else. I'll still write to ABC... better try than live thinking "What if...".... Thank you MDW... Blessings from PR!
ReplyDeleteA very well-written article. You have really made me feel better. I am still in the grieving stage of being mad that it got prematurely cancelled. But your words have made me feel better. I hope that I will move on and make peace with this fact soon.
ReplyDeleteI agree the cliffhanger ending cuts deep. An ending episode is all I ask!
DeleteIt would be nice to see the story brought back in some format. I only recently watched the show by streaming it from Netflix. To their credit, ABC Family and its mother company Disney have made Kyle XY available through many sources. People who missed the show when it first aired are discovering it later. I don't expect Disney to film a finally this long after the cancellation, but they could order books or comics to continue and conclude the story. Such a move may serve as a way to appease the fans, new and old, without the expense of filming.
ReplyDeleteI just finished the seaso n finale and saw it ended like that -.....I really hope they bring it back this year or next year its on my top 3 favorites I want to see matt dallas on the show along with other cast members I don't know what to do to bring the show back but if they do bring it back I bet it would be a great hit because everyone misses kyle being kind extordinarry and soloveable and his imperfectly perfect belly with the missing belly button.....every one wants to SEE what happends in ALL the relationships....I hope. The really do bring it back in the near future anyways kyle xy will live in my heart forever and always
ReplyDeleteOh crap is that it!!! really, there must be other ways...come on, i'm like stuck now and my mind is gone wild thinking what would happen next...seriously, bring Kyle XY back and i don't care if matt has become a gay... BRING KYLE XY BACK
ReplyDeleteI'm new to the series and I must say, I absolutely love it! They definitely need to bring it back or at least make an extended episode for a finale to better end it off.
ReplyDeleteI......hurt. this sucks I didnt want to hear about what happens in the future I wanted to see it. I kinda hate ABC family now. Oh and plus Iliked Amanda better than Jessie. Not hatin on Jessie its just Amanda is better for Kyle. Kyle is awesome and when I'm rich and I do plan on being rich I WILL make sure this show get brought back.I will make clones of ALL the freakin actors and put them in those pods so the show would still look the same......Great this show made me crazy. Thanks Kyle!!! Kidding by the way Kyle xy is an amazing show and will never be forgotten so.....Love you Kyle xy!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is July 15th 3am in the morning and im still up googling why Kyle XY ended the way it did..if its been like 4 years since the last episode aired and fans are still raving about it then that must stand for something. This show be by far one of the best shows I've ever watched. This is the ONLY show I've ever did so much research on. Kyle XY deserves 8 season if not more than that. Its amazing and I got emotionally attached to it. Its very hard for me to have to let go of this show. I am deeply hurt by this
DeleteWhy didn't the people figure out ways to keep Kyle cycle on TV? They could've raised money to save the show... I'm so upset.
Deleteyou know if they make more Kyle XY shows the fans will love it no matter what. I mean, like, if they can fall in love with this show once they can do it again and all the angry fans will have their answer.
DeleteSOOOO PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER SEASON THIS YEAR OR WHENEVER YOU GET THE CHANCE! (for the fans who fill your heart with joy by watching)
I'm gonna miss kyle xy.. damn did they really have to end like that? I really wanna see Amanda and kyle they"re adorable together!
DeleteJust finished watching with my daughter... WE LOVED IT!!! What I don't get is ABC Family is willing to give Secret Life a finally to tie everything up, but they won't let KYLE XY have one. WHY???
ReplyDeleteHas anyone thought about the company that brought the daytime soaps ALL MY CHILDREN and ONE LIFE TO LIVE? Contact them! Ask them for help in bringing back KYLE XY and THE SECRET CIRCLE.
No matter what happens in all of this mess... We all should thank NETFLIX for allowing the old fans to see this and other shows over again and those of us that are new to fall in love with such great shows.
i am deeply crushed about this, i watched all three seasons on Netflix and today was the day i watched the final episode. i fell in love with the cast and drew connections with all of them. This show by far is the most amazing show i've ever seen. I cry every time i think about it. We the fans deserve a proper ending. It is july 15th 2014 3am in the morning and i am commenting and still googling on this show, that right there speaks for itself. im just upset that other shows like Lincoln Heights got saved when i heard no one raving about it. My whole family can relate to this show and its sad that we will all be left with unanswered questions .
ReplyDeletewow, a future plea.....I agree they need to address this.
DeleteHola Ambar. mi nombre es Elier Herrera. Quiero decirte q comparto todos y cada uno de tus sentimientos por esta decepción. Yo no he terminado de ver toda la serie, pero no estoy seguro de hacerlo. Es muy triste saber q no se pudo terminar. Tambien creo q no ha habido y ni habrá un show de television como este. Fue capaz de tocar la fibra de los corazone de tantas persona, de nacionalidades,razas,edades y géneros diferentes. Les agradezco mucho a los editores de esta página por su esfuerzo, pero no me cabe en la mente como es posible q con tantos fans, los productores no hayan tenido el presupuesto para continuar... Creo q nunca se me va a pasar esta decepción.
DeleteCon cariño, alguien q te entiende...
I loved this so much I hope they can bring it back I'll even donate money for this show to come back for a season 14 I loved kyle and Declan and loved how foss was always there for kyle. Besides all that this show has so much potential and is such a great show!!
Deletethis show got me through years and years of ridicule of high school I will never forget this show.
ReplyDeleteSimply love this show....I just re-watched every episode and would really love a movie length wrap up. Just something to put all the pieces together ... I can always hope......
ReplyDeleteI hate watching seasonal movies and even series movies (except Harry Pottery, and that was more than three years after the conclusion) . A friend of mind introduced me to KYLE XY (blessed be her soul for being so good at narrating stories), we were just passing by a movies store when. I saw the pack and then I said the words out aloud cause the title sounded unique. And then that was how she started narrating the nearly immpecable plot of the story.
ReplyDeleteI learnt a lot from the movie I learnt about love, trust, friendship, faith, fate, nature, death, birth, and many more. But I must say that aside the moral, educational, and emotional aspect I learnt from the movie am highly disappointed that the 'ABC FAMILY' would choose to cancel the show, it's totally unfair cos right now I feel like I just had my first boyfriend and went on my first date and everything is in ruins. The world of seasonal
movie I built while watching Kyle XY has been brought to ruins, and now its gonna be difficult watching any other interesting seasonal movie except the next season of Kyle XY. Moreso I think that the 'ABC FAMILY' should check out how much has been made during the last four years to see if it's enough to cover the expenses, settle the cast and still have left to make another season. :-( ... I must say that whoever was responsible for choosing the cast you did a great job at it cos each and every of the cast from the good guys to the bad guys were all very handsome and beautiful even the least of the casts was pretty. Matt Joseph Dallas(sorry for using your middle name just that there are many matt dallas in the world but there is only one Matt Joseph Dallas) if you are reading this I want you to know that I love you very much and you'd
always remain in my heart. (And I love your eyes and lips)
KyleXY was one of ABC's best tv shows by far. I was pretty heart broken how it ended in season 3 with so many things unresolved and unknown. I hope the show comes back soon. That would seriously make my life ♡
ReplyDeleteer moet een andere manier zijn om de serie te eindigen veel mensen vinden deze serie super goed en tof ... ik vind het super erg dat het gestopt is ik hoop dat er nog een vervolg van gaat komen en dat dezelfde acteurs blijven kyle xy moest je ooit terug komen laat mij iets weten ik zal wachten
ReplyDeleteik ben diep geraakt omdat de beste serie ooit stopt de serie was echt super goed ik hoop echt dat er nog een vervolg komt met dezelfde acteurs kyle xy als je toch beslist om voort te gaan met de serie zou ik super blij zijn denk er nog goed over na en als beslist heb zeg het me dan
ReplyDeleteer gaan veel mensen blij zijn als je zou voort gaan met de serie
ik ben een enorm grote fan
I am the one who just finished the season 3 from Hong Kong. It's so disappointed to see a story without ending an I hope the show comes back as other wants.
ReplyDeleteWhen this show came out i was younger and didnt understand. But now ive watched the entire show on netfilx, became completely obsessed, just to learn that i had just completed the last episode because it was cancelled. I am really disappointed that it had to end because i was in love with the show and the characters. I highly wish there was some way of bringing back the show with the same cast. The show was amazing and i thank the people who thought of it.
ReplyDeleteThey needa bring this show back it was a really good good show & I loved it the way it ended shows that it can go on for more!!! ='( I want it back....
ReplyDeleteI am just going to write my own ending to Kyle XY, and pretend that is how it went down. Season Finali part 1. Kyle destroys all of what latnok had accomplished with the clone ordeal, he is about to kill his brother and foss comes to the rescue and does what he always does, protects kyle, in that moment kyle and jessie see how life was for adam and sarah and realize there truly is no where in this world for them because anyone close to them will always be in danger, they wind up at the diner and kyle puts his latnok ring on and jessie is wearing hers and the sun glints in and hits both at the same time through the window and a wonderful holigram window appears and it is adam with a message that he created with sarah for them. in it he explains taht they have two choices they can put the rings together and kyles has one half of the map (remeber he actually used the other guys ring the first time) and saras ring holds the other half of the map. There has been a secret location that was built long ago they can travel to this location and live in peace and quiet..this protects the tragers as well as the world, the other choice is they can continue to fight for the lives they have with the tragers and try to protect them the first half could be called..."If you love them let them go......season finalli part 2...can be called if its meant to be they will return...this could take place 5 years later down the road...the tragers lives have moved on but misssery still floods over the loss of kyle, one day there is a knock at the door and Nichole and steven open the door to see kyle, jesse, and their three year old twins, who they named adam, and sarah standing there...they find out that the last five years have not been all together spent in hiding but rather building defences to protect everyones futures...They have taken over latnock and will only use their genus for good and want to involve the tragers in their family, kyle asks wehre are lori and josh and very soon kyle is faced with the reality of loosing kyle and andy that josh and amanda became a couple but in true kyle style he is happy with his life and wants true happiness for amanda and josh as well. he also finds out that his best friend decklen and sister lori finally got it together and were getting married...kyle tells them he needs people he trusts to help him run latnock josh is becoming a doctor as planned and lories sentisism as usual allows her to read people and find out if they are truly trust worthy and they all have abilities that will help in every field of running latnok so in the end of the show it is the tragers united against the world to obtain scientific research that will fundimentally change the world in only good ways. The last scene can show that foss is welcomed as part of the family and finally feels at peace with his loss he will now be in charge of security ..the end to Kyle XY Trager's story.
ReplyDeleteI don't like Kyle and Jessie together :/
DeleteI have my own ending for this show that i think works pretty good..its a two part series fanali, part one titled if you love them let them go....Kyle is about to kill casidy, and foss comes in does what he always does and protects kyle, with this revelation of letnok's agressivness to do what ever they have to do to get their way, kyle and jessie say their good byes to the tragers becuase they feel as long as their involved in their lives they will never be safe. Kyle and jessie are at the dinner and dont know what the next step is..they take each others hand and there both wearing adam and saras rings and the sun hits them both at the same time, with this a map appears in two parts half on jessies aka saras ring and half on kyles ring aka adams (remember the first map actually came from stevens boss's ring) any way they head out and find that adam and sarah had built a wonderful home that was full of technology that they would need to live an ideal protected life from teh rest of the world...there are messages holligraphic from adam and sarah telling them no matter how much they tried they would alwys be hunted....ok second part of the series finali, is called "if its meant to be they will return"> its five years later and a knock on the trager door,steven and nichole answer to find kyle jessie and their twin son and daughter *who are a fab combo with brand new tricks inherited from mom and dad* the babies names are adam and sarah after their grandparents...anyway kyle has not been dwindling the last five years and he and jessie are super stong now and they have officially taken over latnok and want to make it a place that will allow them to change the world for good...and only good...they ask where are lori and josh and the tragers hesitate to say what they think kyle will not want to hear...that in josh and amandas misery at the loss of andy and kyle they came together as a couple as did lori and decklan...kyle is illated at everyones happiness together and that they are all back together as a family and the final scene can be them walking into latnok and all those pods are filled with teh bodies of the original latnock members, of course kyle has figured out a way to remove their evilness...kyle still feels like someone is watching him and turns out its foss...the tragers tell him its time to stop paying for the loss of his family by protecting there and just be a trager with them...so now josh is becoming a doc..will help kyle develop great things lori the human skeptic will interrrogate anyone that wants to be a member and steven is training as a teacher nichole is over psychology, and amanda does human resorces, and foss and decklan do security...everyone has a job and there one big happy family..o you thought i forgot jessies job, she works at spending every moment with her kids and having the family she so desired and ocassionaly she will get in there and show kyle hes not always the smartest and fastest. They live happily ever after changing the world for the better...had to throw in the cleshe"
ReplyDeleteWhat happens to amandas feelings for kyle
DeleteI started watching Kyle XY late at night on Netflix( no commercials :))As a 66 year old I'm sure I was one of ABC's demographic viewer for the show.I must admit I have a weakness for SCI-FI , but even given that I was slowly taken in by the show and probably eventually watch most of the episodes after it was cancelled.I thoroughly enjoyed it!
ReplyDeleteas usual its about money
ReplyDeleteBefore I started watching this show I was always mad angry or sad. then Kyle XY came on. It lifted me up from the dark hole where I used to spend all my time. when I found out that there was no more I retreated back to my dark hole. It broke my heart when I found out. I cried for 3 weeks straight. It stills bring tears to my eyes. Kyle XY should no needs to come back. soo many people miss it.
ReplyDeleteI need to see the ending of the movie...now i regret i ever watched it. Closer for xyle xy is closer for me as well...yes i am angry......
DeleteBefore Kyle XY came on I was always in a dark hole always mad, sad and angrey. then the show came on. I was more happy and outgoing. Then the show stoped, I went back in to that hole of mine. I broke my heart when I found out. soo many people are sad and angrey even with 4 years gone past. That tell me that there are so many people out there that feel the very same way. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BRING KYLE XY BACK.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe they ended it!!!! :( i started watching it 2 weeks ago it looked really good, i got attached and now i was crying when i saw there was no more episodes. The little wrap up didn't help at all i just HATE the fact that they would end this so drastically. I would not recommend this to somebody to start watching. It just brought me disappointment.
ReplyDeleteI loved the show I ducks it was cancelled
ReplyDeleteJust watched the last episode on Netflix and discovered that there is a reason why there are no more episodes available, because none were made. Greatly disappointed, my girlfriend and I loved this show.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't a tv watcher until I saw Kylexy; I felt in love with the whole story plot. First as a mother, I wanted to care for him, as a grandmother, I wanted my grands to watch it too, because I saw many lessons on moral ethics. I couldn't get enough of Kyle his kindness and honesty always left me with a good feeling inside. I was just looking to see when the next series would begin, and couldn't believe that there will be no more! What a waste of good stuff!(my granddaughters got hock on him too, they are going to be extremely disappointed).
ReplyDeleteI saw the Anonymous and it reminded me of when Anna was talking to Kyle so I chose that and I hope That abc family does a bring back for it because way better than the fosters yet their doing that in January again
ReplyDeletei so love the show
ReplyDeleteThat's it!!!! seriously... love this show... Come on....bring it back...bring it back...bring it back!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat about Kickstarter? I bet enough could be raised to fund a movie.
ReplyDeletei totally miss this show!!! it was just so amazing and intriguing! and so much more! i think it would be awesome if syfy or someone would gather up all the actors and pick up from where abcfamily left off and broke our hearts!
ReplyDeleteI am hoping that ABC Family bring kyle xy back because even 4 years after the last season audience like us still wanting and dying to watch the new season and we deserve it as well. Pls bring kyle xy back
ReplyDeleteOnakwa nisengete otenyu.. andu aa ma ABC meenda kwiwa maseuvye imanza yingi ya sinema uu kana tueke kumeloela. Mbaitu ninamukwata mbau mawoni menyu nimaseo na twivamwe..
ReplyDeleteIt was seriously a bad idea 2 stop the show there...........coz it nww becoming more intereesting
ReplyDeleteMany kyle xy fans are also the fans that continue to support the star trek franchises. Star trek was cancelled for economic reasons, and when given a second chance it went wild. I think kyle xy has the fan base to achieve similar success. Someone should purchase the rights and go for it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you anonymous person I absolutely loved Kyle xy unfortunately I only found out about the show this year so I don't think they broadcasted it very well so it could reach more people. As soon as found out about this show I started watching it I stayed up for hours investing my time to finish then when I get to the end I find out they didn't even get to finish. I think that just like your saying they should give it another chance like they did for star trek. I see how so many people got upset about it cancelling so maybe if we all tried hard enough we can get it back on. I just finished watching the last episode I cant have it just end there if there even a little chance that we could fix that. If one episode left even a little cliffhanger I had to watch the next episode to see what happened so to satisfy my curiosity and now I cant do that I absolutely hate when shows just get cancelled out of the blue its happened to me once already with a show called "Heroes" I still love that show today Peter Petrelli is my favorite character along with Clear Benet. I personally think that Matt did an amazing job with Kyle's character he truly brought it alive and I want to thank you for that. Also and this is just my opinion but I absolutely loved Amanda and Kyle together I didn't care a lot for Jesse no offence I just think Kyle and Amanda make a better couple Kyle and Jesse I can see as like a brother and sister kind of relationship. Also so I think the person who played Amanda is another great actor and is so pretty as well as all the girls on the show.
DeleteI just got done with the 3rd season on Netflix n I was like alright wheres the next episode? n then I found this blog/article and i'm like this is a joke right? makes me kind of worried for vampire diaries since Julie plec is also on that staff. I love her writing, and this cancellation was bogus.
Deleteas for the second chance, that's what I'm saying. Its just like the firefly/serenity fan-base. that cancellation was a huge disappointment as well. fricken depressing the amount of shows that get an early cutoff because the 'ratings' aren't high enough for their satisfaction.
id watch anything kyle xy related like that in a stinkin heartbeat, somebody should get the rights
This show was truly amazing, its changed the way of the people who watched its mind... BRING IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope someday people could come together and protest and finally get it back on as well , if we all just tried together.
DeleteAm from south africa,I love the show wth al ma heart...bring it back plz
ReplyDeleteJust finished watching the final episode made and was devastated it ended like that. Can't sleep now.
ReplyDeleteOmg!!! How could u cancel the best show ever matt dallas touched many peoples live u a hero man u mt hero I cherish u man
ReplyDeletekyle xy is good i watch it everyday y'all going to give secret life another chance that's bullshit
ReplyDeletethis show is great y'all gave secret life another chance give kyle xy another chance
ReplyDeleteBRING BACK KYLE XY 2013-2014!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis just isn't enough for me. This TV series NEEDED resolution. I will flood ABC with everything I've got until it brings this show back on. It was way too impressive and interesting to end with so much more to say. I've never been able to relax without knowing the entire story of anything-resolution is key to most people's lives. This cancellation was highly unjustified. I pray now that it is on netflix that others will concur. Get it together ABC and bring Kyle XY back.
ReplyDeleteI started watching this show first run, well at least the first four episodes. LOVED IT! !!!!!!! Because of my work schedule I didn't see anymore episodes. I always wondered how the story transpired. The episodes that I viewed had me hooked! A few years later I got in a place where I didn't need the second job and the desire to revised the series became overwhelming. Then one day I stumbled on this series on Netflix. O HAPPY DAY!!!!! The writing in this series was so addicting I thought I was on some kind of TV drug.....I couldn't get enough! Now granted I'm not some adolescent kid with a crush. I actually FEll IN LOVE WITH THE CHARACTERS. The cast, acting, writing Incredible! !! LOVED IT. THEN IT HAPPENED. WHAT THE FRICK!!!! And with Disney it seem to be the new trend. Abandoned ship. How very disappointing!!!! As close to a masterpiece of a TV series can be.....Abandoned!!! Oh well people get use to it. The trend is being set ..Kyle xy, Nardia, John Carter ....COME ON DISNEY ....FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED! !!!! ARE YOU GOING TO DO THIS WITH STAR WARS TOO.....NOT LOOKING FOR FOWARD TO YOUR STUDIO QUITTING ON ANYTHING ELSE!!!!! I'm 53 years old and you had a winner with Kyle xy. You guys can't be that Stupid! I have a huge Disney collection on Blu-ray!! Been collecting your animated classic for years. BUT SOME OF YOUR RECENT DECISIONS HAVE BEEN VERY DISSATISFYING ... The decision to buy Pixar and Lucas being your last two great acquires! Watch out Josh and great job with Avengers and Agents of shield .....but you just may be in the same situation that you were in with Firefly , Dollhouse and Buffy .....LOOKS LIKE DISNEY FOLLOWING FOXES FOOTSTEPS!!! DISNEY DO THE RIGHT THING .....GIVE KYLE XY CLOSURE!
ReplyDeleteWhy do all of the good shows get cancelled? I'm watching Kyle XY for the second time around. I'm watching it on Netflix.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling if they were to bring it back money would double expecally if time was put into it I love this show and think about it being out for this long and so many people miss it so if they were to put it back up and it would have to be the same no changes!! Or it won't be the same to watch but any ways everyone would be excited to watch it it reall opened me up to my surroundings and the brain can be a very powerfull :)
ReplyDeleteKyle Xy!
ReplyDeleteA melhor serie de todos os tempos, ficara para sempre em nossos corações, pois essa serie foi a unica que realmente mexia com as emoções das pessoas.
A verdade é que a serie fazia as pessoas sentirem-se melhor com a vida, pelo menos eu me sentia assim.
ReplyDeletePlease BRING IT BACK!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just started watching the show and was surprised to hear that it was cancelled. It reminds me a lot of Smallville and makes me wonder where the show went wrong, where as Smallville survived 10 seasons.....
ReplyDeleteThere is so much love towards Kyle XY, I still don't understand why ABC Family won't bring back the show.
ReplyDeleteahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its November 7th 2013 and people are still asking for KYLE XY??? Why won't these so-called "business people" realize that the would make a lot more money if they continue the seasons and stop breaking the viewer's hearts? My heart is truly broken after watching the final or the last season acted today, in which i went through hell to get. this is the second series movie that made me feel this way the first was smallville and at the end i felt better because it had an actual end but this is more intense than smallville it left with me a very deep scar strait across my heart. As a Jamaican teen aged boy i never thought i'd feel this way!!! I still have hope though because its the only thing on my mind.
ReplyDeleteWe don't just want KYLE XY "WE NEED IT" this breaking our hearts as viewers with mysterious questions and then when these questions are to answered "BAM" the entire movie is cancelled??? We need to put our selves together with the rest of the movie. I still have hope that the movie will continue may be with a little changes but we need to 'I need to put my self together with the rest of the movie.
ReplyDeleteahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its November 7th 2013 and people are still asking for KYLE XY??? Why won't these so-called "business people" realize that the would make a lot more money if they continue the seasons and stop breaking the viewer's hearts? My heart is truly broken after watching the final or the last season acted today, in which i went through hell to get. this is the second series movie that made me feel this way the first was smallville and at the end i felt better because it had an actual end but this is more intense than smallville it left with me a very deep scar strait across my heart. As a Jamaican teen aged boy i never thought i'd feel this way!!! I still have hope though because its the only thing on my mind.
ReplyDeletewe need KYLE XY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletehonestly i watched this show 3years ago and am not happy it was cancelled. But for the love of God nothing is impossible, it can be brought back. Its a great show and we in Nigeria miss it alot. There are great lessons to be learnt there. And would love to see how the relationships end and they better end well. Great job by the cast they depicted the characters well. Kudos to them. I pray to see a proper ending of kyle xy
ReplyDeleteI watched this this show when it first aired. When nichole got in the wreck and almost died is the same time when my mother passed away. After that point the show meant so much more to me. I believe we all feel like josh when he woke up with only a note on his pillow. Simply put... Not enough of a goodbye. Star wars never cancelled after darth vader revealled he was lukes father. Why should kyle be cancealed at the same moment when an entirely new relationship was to be formed. Either friendly or not that bond was designed to be explored. To abc family i say this: we the fans demand to explore. Six years and still people are saying how much they love this show. And modern technology alllows many many more people to see it and feel its awesomness than ever before. This shows cancelation is as if boy meets world had been cancelled after season 3. Simply unacceptable. To any who read this i suggest a boycott of abc family until the some form of conclusion of the show is reached. No sign up involved. Just someone with more skills than i tell them to watch their ratings to see if we mean it. I know i will. No other show on that channel can stimulate my heart mind and soul as kyle xy did.
ReplyDeleteJust re watched the all the episodes! I remembered when this TV show came out! I miss it! Wish season 4 was coming out BRING THE SHOW BACK!!!!!
ReplyDeleteReally appreciate you putting this out there for some resolution. Very relevant even years later. I was highly impressed by the diversity of characters and demographics covered. The show also seems to transcend age groups as my mother enjoyed it just as much; and I'm 28. Kudos to the cast and writers - beautiful job. I am curious - has anyone approached Netflix to possibly pickup the show; or create a movie? I'm sure they have the demographics if enough are watching on their services to warrant, though I think a great avenue. If this be the end - I would say the best show I have invested in a long time. Great job on the show Matt.
ReplyDeleteReally appreciate you putting this out there for some resolution. Very relevant even years later. I was highly impressed by the diversity of characters and demographics covered. The show also seems to transcend age groups as my mother enjoyed it just as much; and I'm 28. Kudos to the cast and writers - beautiful job. I am curious - has anyone approached Netflix to possibly pickup the show; or create a movie? I'm sure they have the demographics if enough are watching on their services to warrant, though I think a great avenue. If this be the end - I would say the best show I have invested in a long time. Great job on the show Matt.
ReplyDeleteFind the show relevant even years later- kudos to cast and crew. Writing and acting on this were awesome. I'm interested if anyone has presented the offer to Netflix to pick it up. They would have the demographics of who/how many were watching. If this is the end sad it had to end like this. Beautiful characters and life events - captured an honesty I haven't felt in other shows. Best in your future endeavors.
ReplyDeleteThe show have to come back. It have changed people, it have changed me. In not so long time ago, i diden't care about other then me, but after i have seen this show, ii have changed, i help people if they need it, i look at the bright shide. I'm really sad, i can't understand that, there isen't a ending, it just stop. I will do anything to get the show back.... :'(
ReplyDeleteI know this show problably won't come back any time soon. This show touched people in a special way. I hope that it comes back soon.
ReplyDeleteWE WANT KYLE XY BACK!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHello, I am a big fan of kyle xy series and I was obviously disappointed when I found out that there would not be any more season after season 3.man have received so many questions and concerns about how it will go for kyle, amanda , declan and all the others. you want the look ahead and get answers to questions where the series left off.
Why can not you make it clear the series so fans get their answers and get back a good series? What is the problem? is it that you need lots of money or something else?
/ Simon
I am 50 years old, surely not the demographic, but I really loved this show. Bless you Netflix. Once again, the execs in tv land got it wrong and canceled this amazing show. I have lost faith in Hollywood AGAIN. Great show and would watch anything that Matt Dallas is in. Where is he now?
ReplyDelete;( Just Bring It Back.
ReplyDelete;( Just bring it back...
ReplyDeleteBring it back!!!!!
ReplyDelete:'(( I really loved the show!
ReplyDeleteThe Kyle XY show should get another chance.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't every day you can find a show with a story like Kyle XY's.
The show was the best i have been watching for like.. Ever. I mean, you can feel the situations, which means, the actors is good acting.
i love that show. i got into it at the tail end of season 3. then they cut it. that pretty much signaled the end of major network shows for me. to be honest, its one of the bigger pains in my life.
ReplyDeletethere was something magical about it, and the story that captured my heart.
i would love a movie, even a straight to dvd thing. just something.
tho williamshiply did write a ending season on fan fiction dot net that helps ease the pain.
all in all, i dont watch any network shows anymore.
same thing happened to witchblade...
I've seen the show on netflix all 3 seasons two times already and it hasn't gotten old to me. I just hate the fact that they cancelled the show leaving many of us hooked on what was going to happen next. If it can be brought back I'de appriciate it very much or at least do like a final episode/movie that wraps up Kyle's story. A decent ending would be nice...and to all of the actors and cast crew all I can say os good job on playing those charecters I loved it.
ReplyDeleteThere are two kind of tv shows in the world. One Kyle XY. Two all the others
ReplyDeleteI don't watch much tv at all, so I missed Kyle xy when it was on the air. I literally watche every episode back to back on Netflix within the last few days. I hate you abc family. You remove a show like Kyle xy which actually has an interesting story and replace it with tripe lie secret life?! I hope all the exec. Decision making people at abc choke on a dick.
ReplyDeleteam saani from ghana.kylxy was and is the best series have enjoy watching over and over again.we are begging the executives to bring it back to us or better the next season so that we can see and know it end.it is educative and fun.we hope you will consider our grievancies.thank you.
ReplyDeleteLet me say first that ours is a family of super-genius kids and kids with autism. When we watched Kyle XY, it was for us almost akin to the first time that I have EVER seen anything like what our lives look like portrayed on television. We laughed with the refrigerator scene. One of my sons did this. We completely understood the lack of ability to understand sarcasm and turns of phrase. The socially awkward moments were so wonderful. I could have written ten more series about the struggle to understand and to be understood. I have one son who walked into a Shakespearean audition when he was 12. I asked him what he was going to recite. He skimmed Julius Caesar for a few moments. I asked him if he needed cue cards. He said-- no need. I have it memorized. I have another son who listens to the world through vibrations through his hands. To be honest, there is nothing on television for us. Kyle XY came very close to examining the world as we see it. I am very grateful for this, and very saddened that the series could not have continued.
ReplyDeletei just started watching about 4 days ago and i watched the whole 3 season's and was shocked by the way it ended... Kyle XY will live with me forever... and i will be adding on to this story. look it up on wattpad.com in about 3 days... it will be called "Kyle XY The Legacy Continues".
ReplyDeletethis show was great. I never watched it when it was on. Now I wished I had...hoping my viewership would have added to others and kept the show on the air. I watched the entire series over the Christmas holiday.
ReplyDeleteJust caught the show. It was fabulous. A family show that portrayed how a family can be. Nothing like it out there. Loved it. Too bad they didn't continue.
ReplyDeleteLoved, loved, loved it!
ReplyDeleteJust caught the show. It was fabulous. A family show that portrayed how a family can be. Nothing like it out there. Loved it. Too bad they didn't continue.
ReplyDeleteI just finished watching the entire series on Netflix and hated the abrupt ending. In reading many of the comments the faithful viewers have posted before one I can totally agree with each and every one of them. Kyle XY needs to return, period!!! If not as a series, (as it should be), then as a TV movie at least. I liked one commenter who wrote their own finale as they would have had it end. By giving a return to Kyle & Jessie in the future it can explain the time since the shows abrupt and in my opinion, premature ending. It also provides the base for continuing the show as the faithful viewers (both olden, new) have so longed for. The other comment that really caught my attention and can associate with was the comparison to the Star Trek franchise that has been so successful since its abrupt cancellation from television due to "budget problems." For a show to end in its 3rd season (not the 5 years it was originally planned for) and make such a phenomenal return with 5 movies with the original cast "and the spinoffs and the full length movies made for the Next Generation cast, is something to be considered to bring our beloved Kyle XY family back into the limelight where it belongs. Can't the powers that be at least consider the possibility and perhaps make it a reality? Or ar Maybe a highly publicized campaign rallying the viewers to voice their much wanted return of the show could be brought to light. Just a hopeful suggestion. To the cost and crew of the show, I love you all and hope to see all of you together again really soon. e they too much like their Latnock counterparts undermining the desires of its original visionary's hopes of where the company will be in the future? I really hope enough of the many viewers can give their feedback and bring back the show.
ReplyDeleteWas so addicted to this show on Netflix this past week. I finished tonight S3E10 and felt sucker punched because it left so many unanswered questions. I would have loved to see this show continue on. I read an earlier comment that said Kyle XY fans were also the Star Trek fans.. I agree and since this show is no longer showing I thought I would throw out one that was and is also an amazing show so far. It's called Continuum and it's on Canadian SYFY channel. I'm a huge fan of this show and another good one is Orphan Black also on Canadian SyFy channel. Anyway I hope at some point they at least come out with a movie to wrap things up or start the show back up.
ReplyDeleteI've been watching this show for the past week or so on Netflix and I'm totally addicted to it. Tonight I finished S3E10 and was gut punched at the idea that it was over. I feel as if they left so many unanswered questions. I read a comment above about this show had the same fans as the Star Trek franchises and I agree there aren't that many good SyFy shows. However I can leave you with two excellent ones. Both are found on Canadian SyFy channel. The first is Continuum which is excellent, the other is called Orphan Black. So if you enjoyed Kyle XY as much as I did I believe you will also very much enjoy those two. I hope at some point they will make a movie to wrap things up on the show or at best bring it back. I'd like to continue on Kyle's adventures.
ReplyDeleteIf I win the lottery I'll make sure they continue the series
ReplyDeleteHi, my name is Joshua. Here in my country Nigeria, kyle Xy is one of the best film we have even watched. But lot of question need to be answer in this film. Like what was on Nate computer that Jessi and Amanda saw in his room and where did Cassidy get kyle clones in producing other kyle? Plus, how did Cassidy related to kyle in first place? Did Amanda see the answer to her question? All of this question need to be answer. I'm forward to a day that this question will be answered. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI think there should be more to the ending. and they should start up a new season :) it would make a lot of people happy
ReplyDeleteits so unfair that abc shut down the show...it would be great if it went on
ReplyDeleteHere's what I don't understand though.
ReplyDeleteIt's cancelled and that we can't revive the show. I feel like there is something else going on too. Why wouldn't Julie Plec release a novel/short story/epilouge etc to give us the ending we all deserve? No way in hell you can convince the ABC to get the show back but it makes it fair and simple to release a book.
Just doesn't make sense that they would cancel such a great show. I love Kyle XY. I watched all 3 seasons in less then a week because I was so addicted to it. I can not believe that they would just end it like that. I agree with everyone else. ABC needs to pull their heads out of their butts and bring our Kyle back!!!
ReplyDeleteLove this show depressed that There was no end:'( so sad I absolutely love Kyle
ReplyDeleteA finale would be great, or one of those half season 10 episode deals. I just watched Kyle xy on Netflix. I'm a mom, in my thirties, and I truly enjoyed the show....horrible way to let it go...just canceled...such bureaucratic BS... I mean really!!! I believe it would be well worth it to give the show a proper finale....possibly spawning a sequel series....
ReplyDeleteI wish this would come back we all miss it. It was an amazing show. Had real potential.
ReplyDeleteBiological mother? So much Cassidy?
ReplyDeleteI guess it was a good thing the show was cancelled before it turned into crap..
(and I gotta say, I was kinda siding with the evil master plan: a world full of Kyles would have been pre-tty nice)
Hey guys I just wanted to tell you guys that I would really appreciate if you guys do more episodes of KYLE XY. I got really upset when I found out the show was canceled. I found that out today which was sad. While I was watching the show I downloaded every song like"she could be you by Shawn hlookoff", "save you by Matthew perry Jones", "hiding by meiko","a bad dream by keane", "reasons to love you by meiko","anywhere but here by safetysuit", last "hiding by meiko"
ReplyDeletePlease try to bring the show back. I really like Kyle,declan,and josh they are really cute. Jessie,Lori,and Amanda are really pretty.I also like Nicole and Steven they were really good parents because they never gave up on kyle.Amandas mom was really strict and that made the show intense.Andy was really good on pretending to have cancer. Tom Foss you are really good at acting I liked how you took care of kyle everytime and a really good friend to Adam baylin.Adam baylin you really kinda look like kyle and you were really good.other members did a good job like Michael cassity,the people from madacorp, the guy who got pepper spray on his face,and by the way you were cute.all the comments here PROVE that KYLE XY IS a big hit and you guys should consider to make more shows. If the producers do decide to do more shows I will say "KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK"!!!!!!!!!!
I'm 56 years old and just got introduced to this show by my teenage daughter. the first 5 min. left me spellbound, and for the next 10 days I continued to watch it, even into the late hours of the night. I have not done something like this in my lifetime, that's how good I thought the show was! I am very saddened by the fact that it ended like it did, but really I'm sad for not being able to watch good actors, do a good story. With ALL the garbage on the BOOBTUBE now days, I can't believe that this was not worth having, BUT A HONEY BOO BOO IS!!!!????
ReplyDeleteI'm 56 years old, and have never ran across a show like this. My teenage daughter found it on Netflix, and I was hooked within the first 5 mins. Unlike the HONEY BOO BOO garbage that is rammed down our throats now days, this show showed human emotions, along with real and maybe could be real life themes without being too far out there.This is quality watching, and I'm sorry my watching ended like it did.I"m a lucky man that these people performed like they did.......and I got to see it!
ReplyDeleteI really want to thank the people that thought about the TV show KYLE XY. i AM STILL really obsess with the show. I finished watching all the episodes like in 4-5 days. I really want to ask for a big favor. PLEASE try to bring KYLE XY back pleeaasse. I really liked kyle, josh, and declan they were really good.I also liked how nicole,Steven Lori and josh accepted kyle to stay a while longer with them.I thought that Jessie, Amanda and Lori did a great job and were really pretty. I liked how kyle got feelings for Jessie and Amanda which was really romantic.I also liked that Adam baylin looked almost exactly like kyle and how tom Foss was really trustworthy. Amanda's mom was really strict which made the show more dramatic. I like the people from madacorp,the guy that got sprayed by pepper spray was cute and good. The guy that didn't like Kyle when he started working at latnok.Andy you were also great. While I watched every show I listened to every song like "she could be you", "a bad dream","hiding", "save you" and many more. If you look there's so many people that commented about bringing kyle back. Please try everything you can. You guys said that the first season had so many hits that you guys decided to make 23 episodes in the 2nd season that proves that people love kyle please show this comment to the people that produce the TV shows.maybe they change their minds!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry it's the way of Western Culture. If gold drops in value even a 10th everyone will drop it and run for a shinier piece of tin foil. Maybe if more people streamed their media instead of clinging to the cable cord, the networks would have less control that us. As it is now, they think they can tell us what to like. (and they try in most cases) It's a simple power shift. Cut the cord. There are more of us than them. I know of many dropped series' that have been brought back exclusively to Netflix, Hulu and other streaming channels. It CAN be done.
ReplyDeletePlease bring this more seasons and episodes back and none to leave us asking more questions or leave us hanging
ReplyDeletePlease bring this show back with morr seasons and episodes that will not leavr us hanging
ReplyDeleteHoly crap bring it back, open a quota donation box where fans can chip in to reach the target needed for more seasons if all they care about is the money. I bet those that DO like it would pay more than the average viewer to get it back ~_~
ReplyDeleteI loved this show. I was glued to it never seen anything this is probably my top favourite show / movie whatever u want ti call it :-) loved it!
ReplyDeleteLesa Wrinkle I love your ending! Come on ABC Family you can do a one time made for TV Kyle XY movie that follows this kind of ending and gives everyone closure! !!! This series allowed us to feel, question and believe that nomatter our origin we all basically need love to thrive. Even (as Josh Trager would have it) extra terrestrial beings ;-)
ReplyDeleteplease ABC FAMILY bring kyle xy back because i can relate that my abilities are exactly the same as kyle. AND I CAN PROOF IT !!!!!!!!!!!!
I been watching and all i got too sa is bring it back please for a least one more season to close it.......if. riddick could bring back one last movie i know damn well kyle xy can bring back a good finale season of kyle xy... i know that they me be older now but know one cares. So i hope exects bring one last season back..
ReplyDeletebring back kyle XY we want some closure about things. the last episode was a cliffhanger PLS ABC FAMILY bring it back
ReplyDeletepls bring KYle XY back we need some closure
ReplyDeletethat all we want pls ABC family!!!!!!!
The show is now available on stream tv in Denmark and I absolutely LOVE this serie... and then suddenly there Where no more episodes... I'm sitting here feeling empty, wanting to know what happens next... I pray that someday, someone sees how far worldwide the series has reached, and decides make another season or at least an end movie.. to satisfy all the logning fans.. :-)
ReplyDeleteI am very disappointed this show has mad me come to almost tears and has made my heart beat finish what u started for yourself and others
ReplyDeleteThats some serious crap i waited forever to finish Kyle XY after seeing the first episode and it ended with to many questions. They should have atleast had atleast one more episode for him to wrap things up.
ReplyDeletejust watched kyle xy in england great show dissapointed sky showed it but did not mention it had no ending,please bring it back if only to give it an ending.
ReplyDeleteHello, I know this blog was posted last year but I've just started to watch the show and have enjoyed watching it, I keep reading there are only three seasons but on nowtv there are four? I haven't read the whole blog due to poor concentration. It's a shame they cancelled the show, I've become a Kyle XY fan.
ReplyDeleteMy kids and I just finished all the seasons of Kyle XY and were totally devastated that it ended!!!! It'd be so awesome if it came back or at least a movie was made!!! Totally epic show!! Absolutely fell in love with it!!!
ReplyDeleteMy kids and I just finished all the seasons of Kyle XY and were totally devastated that it ended!! Should bring the show back or at least make a movie! Totally epic show and absolutely fell in love with it!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe HEROES is being brought back, 24 is coming back for 1 more season, then why not Kyle XY......At least wanted to know how it would all come to an end.
ReplyDeleteThe HEROES is being reborn, 24 is coming back for 1 more season. Why not Kyle XY....really enjoyed this show.....wanted to know how it would all come to an end.
ReplyDeleteI love Kyle XY
ReplyDeleteI love Kyle XY period , hope the show will come back one day.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure of the dates on these comments but its April 28th 2014 today and I too have just finished watching the final episode on Amazon instant. I had seen some of this show when I was younger but had missed the biggining of the series and didn't understand what the story was about at the time,but now with Amazon and netfilcks series like this get a second lease of life and new fans. Films are getting remakes all the time with popularity for genres increasing. I really hope this show gets the final series wrapping up the show as it deserves at the very least a web story?? From the original writers? It should be an honour that so many people have loved this show enough to ask for this that you could do something for us all?
ReplyDeleteThanks.....awaiting an ending.
This show was truly amazing, its changed the way of the people who watched its mind... BRING IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!! i don't want it to end like this please
ReplyDeleteKyle XY is so amazing and interesting. I hope dis cancillation b ova n out. I luv kyle n josh.....kyle XY is a wonderful tv drama...big ups to u guyz
ReplyDeleteKyle XY is just a blast...kudos guys
ReplyDeleteKyle XY was so amazing and wonderful. I really enjoyed d movie. Its jux a blast. ABC Family...fans are waiting for the season 4 so forget about this cancillation and act fast. Nice job...kudos guys!!!
ReplyDeleteI really want this show to come back, I am watching at this moment in time I love it I have watched it so many times and I am so upset that they wouldn't continue I would rather watch this that easterners that is still on tv today
ReplyDeleteit is an awesome program that myself and my daughter got wrapped in. The ending was a cliff hanger and to find out it was cancelled was sad. With that in mind and with most ppl these days streaming i am wondering why they dont bring it back as an internet show like hemlock grove from netfliks. The fact that so may still watch it means it could be worth while
ReplyDeleteThis was an amazing show. I caught the first season in the UK, but don't recollect seeing season 2 aired. I love the innocence of Kyle, and each episode left me with a warm feeling inside. I was dreading watching the last episode as I knew it would be the last I would see of this amazing teenager and the way he faces life. I think all the characters were played by very talented actors and will really miss seeing more of their lives. I know you can't bring the show back, but it nice to hold on to these warm memories.
ReplyDeletemaybe the only chance for us to see Kyle Xy back to air again is to consider a remake. We could show to ABC we would watch and buy Kyle Xy if they were to remake the series. With the grow of option on streaming media, it should be doable to have the show syndicated through something similar to Netflix. We can't hope however to have the original cast back. Maybe Matt and Jaimie as Adam and Sarah!!
ReplyDeleteI think the reason it got cancelled is because it wasnt advertised enough! i was 16 and living at home when Kyle came onto out tv screens in England. me and my mum fell in love with the show, we watched every episode it was our get away into a heart warming show. Season 2 there was no advertisment in England not telling us it was back on our screens for Season 2!
ReplyDeleteWe were lucky my sister found it on the Tv guide missing the 1st episode! (we caught up on it) then continued to watch the 2nd series! Once again our favourite show was back on tv enjoying Kyle and the family.
Season two was the same as the first, heartful program really touching you. sometimes tears to my eyes... believe it or not. The inocents of Kyle was something i truely loved.
Season 3 was never shown on English telly, We forgot about the program as we never heard information of season 3 being on any tv show in the UK
we recently found dvds on ebay only this year when Kyle XY just popped into my memory, by the same time i got the box set i heard it had been cancelled. we were gutted, we thought we must of missed season 3-5?!
As it came to an end finding out Kyle has a mother and a brother in the last seconds of season 3. We couldn't believe it we wanted answers we wanted more of Kyle XY.
How the ABC can just cancelled a program mid way through is unbelieveable?.
But i write this comment to thank everyone who played a part in Kyle XY you brought something me and my mum could watch and love. I will miss Kyle XY even though it was cancelled 4-5 years ago its heart breaking. i wish someone could of done more but yet it seems quite late now.
Kyle XY will live on in my memory forever, the way it touched me in such positive ways i will never forget. Goodbye Kyle XY this comment gave me closure. :)
Big Fan from the Uk, Jordan & Mum :)
Just watched it on Netflix. ..sucks it ended that way!!
ReplyDeleteJust watched it on Netflix, sucks it ended that way...had to go online see what happened. Its too bad. I hope they bring it back. I enjoyed watching Kyle Xy 😊
ReplyDeleteJust watched it on Netflix. ..sucks it ended that way!!
ReplyDeleteAfter almost 5 years of the series finale I think the only thing left is a reboot of the series. I really hope they sell the copyright to syfy for example. They would know how to handle this series.
ReplyDeleteI really hope Kyle XY comes back :(. I love the show and it has changed me. The problem might be the appearence of the people who look older (after 5 years), but I don't care (nobody cares, everyone wants it back..), they'll find a solution.
ReplyDeleteI hope at the (real!!) end of Kyle XY, Kyle has helped Jessi with bringing the good out of her, and the bad part is gone. Amanda can be happy with someone else, and that Kyle is goint to stop loving her but they are still friends. Kyle and Jessi are perfect together.
money money money f***k
ReplyDeleteWatching this series as usual without knowing it was canceled really broke my heart. And with such a cliffhanger! The show stopped six years ago, and still it made my shoulders heavier
ReplyDeleteI love kyle xy its so awesome and its bring family together because its ... and.. and wow
ReplyDeleteThose guys or what ever (the ones who cancelled it ) SUCKS !!! VERY VEEERY HARD !!!! TSSS i'm mad and sad! kyle xy its my fav serie! AND they just take it like that?! -.- come on guys!!!! that show could let you millions!!! hxjxkxkxksjsvs! If I had a Important name... i would ask for it and bring it back! the actors of the show are getting older and doing other stuff! please bring it back!!!!! before ... ahh :(
and I THINK THAT NOBODY HERE wants OTHER KYLE AND OTHER actors replacing the originals! Not in this one!
Bring it back please!!!! those guys who cancelled the show sucks! very very hard! its the best show they could have!!! why dsnt other company takes it and bring it back?!?!?!?!?! it would be really nice!
ReplyDeleteFor that! those persons from Abc family SUUUUCKS !!!!!! come on guys! it could do millions!! Its really awesome!
I love the show !!!!!!! bring it back please
ReplyDeletei tried to comment ,, but i was not allowed to comment , why not ?
ReplyDeletei totally miss this show!!! it was just so amazing and intriguing! and so much more! i think it would be awesome if syfy or someone would gather up all the actors and pick up from where abcfamily left off and broke our hearts!
ReplyDeleteI watched season 1 - 4 in 4 days, the best t.v show I have ever seen, and I have seen most box set series...this is by far the best, can't wait to watch season 5. Such a feel good happy storyline with great twists. Jessy is excellent. Josh is funny kyle is brilliant....just a fantastic watch...don't miss it.
ReplyDeletethis needs to come back!! i need to know what happens!!!
ReplyDeleteLoved the show bring it back
ReplyDeleteWhy dont they make the season 4 but in a movie as ending or keep the show in netflix...
ReplyDeleteI am currently halfway through the second season and am disappointed to have learned that the show was canceled in the middle of the third. I've been doing some research to find out why it was canceled and have learned that with such a large fan base, ABC clearly made a terrible mistake in it's assessment of the shows viewership. Such mistakes can be dangerous for a network. Will I want to go to ABC and invest time in a quality program that will be canceled? Or, like in the case of Lost, be taken on a journey with no focus or clear path toward it's ending.
ReplyDeleteThe executives at CBS thought Star Trek was going nowhere. It is unfortunate that ABC couldn't at least bring Kyle XY to a proper end. In my opinion it could still be done.
BRING THE SHOW BACK!!!!!!!!!! Teens express on how the show was set up and it help us mainly deal with life
ReplyDeleteWell, it is now 19 June 2014. All four series are now available on Amazon instant video. It has been a wild ride, tears & laughter and every emotion in between. I guess it has been too long now, 5 years maybe, for it to be brought back now, but all I can say is that ABC must have been mad. Good reason back then but they should have listened to the fans. It is they who keep studios alive after all. Such a shame it ended the way it did. We all love the Trager's and they will be missed.
ReplyDeleteKyle xy is one of my favorite series in the world. It is the only show that actually affected the way I looked at the world, it touched by heart and changed my point of view. It literally made me a better person!!! :) No other show or set of characters could do that. I love everything about Kyle xy and having it come back would be a dream come true...I'm keeping my fingers crossed (why would I do that? because its good luck;))
ReplyDeleteIve sat and watched the 4 seasons of this in the last 3 days and its touched me inside. It breaks my heart to know that it isnt coming bk but it NEEDS to as there's so many life lessons in it that even an old adult can relate too. Even if the cast done the last season for free bring it bk you need to wrap it up christ star trek are still going and jeez thats gone on for ever before I was born even star wars so come on get ya backsides in gear people we need this.
ReplyDeletehi im paul winter from the uk i never sore the series till it came on netflix once i started watching i wanted more sorry the show got cancelled and for those people that cancelled the show dum idea if i had the cash i would pay for more my self matt Dallas waw looking forward to see more of your work
ReplyDeleteThe final episode broke my heart!!! Definitely need a new season!!!
ReplyDeletehow come you could not make season 4
ReplyDeleteMy husband & I came across the show by chance flicking through Netflix, every evening we have sat & watched episodes back to back. This evening my husband could not wait, he said " I've been thinking about it all day. Can't wait to see what happens next. " We were mortified to find we had watched the last episode last night! Bitterley disappointed! Best wishes for the future to Matt Dallas & all concerned. Lisa & Steve, Nottingham, England.
ReplyDeleteI did wright a big rant but forgot to sign in so heres the simplified version. Kyle xy was and is awesome. Personally didnt like amanda and think kyle and jessi shud have ended up being together. Joshes gal shud come back and thr producers of kyle xy should bring the god damn show back like 7 years ago. This is to anybody who still actually gives a shit. Thanks for reading and please reply.
ReplyDeleteThis show was amazing...
ReplyDeleteBring It Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI've just finished all three seasons on netflix. Why would they cancel this show? It was so amazing. I can't even begin to understand why abc family would cut this off. I am 100% positive that if they brought back a feature length film or 4th season, it would do excellent.
ReplyDeleteI am outraged its been 7 years Kyle XY has been aired ABC refused to bring it back there's a lot of new shows that are not good Kyle XY cancelled replace then showsare voice don't countI was reading a lot of your comments but ABC will not listen we need to stand up and speak our voice
ReplyDeleteKyle xy was literally heart touching and I'm a guy. little pissed what abc family has done to the millions of people who fell in love with the show. I'd really like for abc family to make a final more explainable episode. who was you"re favorite character? mine is Amanda she"s so innocent and carring. omg I love her. abc family I dislike you for the time being for pissing everyone off with and unexplainable ending.
ReplyDeletesincerely, josh (:
It is a good show if they could just let the people enjoy the show that would change the world its my FAVORITE shows ever
ReplyDeleteI loved the show Kyle XY I first saw it with my grandfather when I was 12 and I was never able to say to my grandfather how much I loved and thanked him for what he did for me. So I watch Kyle XY every day to make me remember him. I still remember what he said to me that last time we watched Kyle with together "I wish they didn't finish Kyle XY ".so please abc family bring Kyle back. Bring it back for the fans and my grandfather it would mean alot to me.
ReplyDeleteI really miss these show... Kyle was everything to me n I want more episode 😢😓😔😞 can ya plzzz Bring Kyle back plzzzz .....!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust make one last episode and finish the story without any climax. Just like a happy ending or depressing ending whatever. Just make a last episode so that fans can be happy. But it cannot be left this way.
ReplyDeleteKyle Xy is really my favorite series! I love every character!!!!!! I recently watched all the episodes and really is a shame that ABC Family canceled the series so abruptly and in my opinion not for a good reason. The "not so good" reviews from some people and the decreased a little views, in my opinion is not a reason to cancel a series especially when speaking for a series like this! I wonder why would someone write a bad review for a series so wonderful like Kyle Xy?!?! I can't find a reason why someone will be so disappointed from Kyle Xy to write bad review!!! Surely the ABC Family could find other ways of making the series profitable again! Just the cancellation was the easy way out, and of course are business and they do not care if people will be disappointed! all they care about is money, numbers and percentages ... Too bad .. Really shame to stop such a special and wonderful serie as Kyle Xy, and other much lower played regular until the end on ABC Family!
ReplyDeleteEven if you did not reach until the end of the series but, until that point you reached there was really a wonderful experience!! Grats to all!
I wish someday to continue Kyle Xy and finally be able to complete the series!!! :(
Sorry for my english but it is not my native language ...
I am truely missing my xy fix, I found this by mistake and watch the whole of it over a week, you can imagine my frustration when it ended like that, I didn't know it had been cancelled. DISAPPOINTED is not the word ggggggrrrrrrr
ReplyDeleteI am truely missing my xy fix, I found this by mistake and watch the whole of it over a week, you can imagine my frustration when it ended like that, I didn't know it had been cancelled. DISAPPOINTED is not the word ggggggrrrrrrr
ReplyDeleteWhy do they get rid of good shows.? Kyle was ell written,had great story line and terrific acting. As an acting coach i found Matt to be a great actor. When the show ended,the wife and i feit we lost a member of the family. In fact,kudos to all the cast. A job well done.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't they just make it a netflix series now? If tv channels wont bring Kyle XY back, why not take it to the internet?